Personal information



Employment (5)

Université du Québec à Rimouski: Rimouski, QC, CA

2017-02-15 to present | Professor of Marie Evolutionary Physiology (Biology, Chemistry and Geography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Université du Québec à Rimouski: Rimouski, QC, CA

2014-07-01 to 2017-02-14 | Associate Professor of Marie Evolutionary Physiology (Biology, Chemistry and Geography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Plymouth University Peninsula School of Medicine: Plymouth, Devon, GB

2012-09-01 to 2014-06-30 | Assistant Professor in Marine Ecophysiology (School of Biological and Marine Sciences )
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry: Plymouth, Plymouth, GB

2007-09-01 to 2012-08-31 | RCUK Research Fellow in Ecophysiological Implications of Ocean Acidification (School of Biological and Marine Sciences )
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Royal Holloway University of London School of Biological Sciences: Egham, Surrey, GB

2004-11 to 2006-01 | Postdoctoral Researcher in population genetic
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Education and qualifications (4)

Higher Education Academy: York, GB

2010 to present | Fellow
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Royal Entomological Society: Saint Albans, GB

2008 to present | Fellow
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

University of Florence: Florence, Toscana, IT

2001-04-01 to 2004-05-26 | PhD in Animal Ecology and Ethology (Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

University of Florence: Florence, Tuscany, IT

1994-09-01 to 2000-12-13 | BSc+MSc in Biology - Environmental Ecology (Faculty of Natural Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Professional activities (9)

North American Hub for Ocean Acidification: Seattle, WA, US

2019 to present | Contributing Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Computational Biodiversity Science and Services (BIOS²) training NSERC-funded Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program: Sheerbrooke, Quebec, CA

2019 to present | Full Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Ocean Acidification Community of Practice for the MEOPAR Canada Excellence Research Network: St Andrews, NB, CA

2017 to present | Contributing Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) Biological Working Group : Monaco, MC

2015 to present | Contributing Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Goteborgs universitet Avdelningen for Urologi: Goteborg, SE

2012-11-01 to present | Invited Professor on the postgraduate course Evolution under Global Change (Sven Loven Marine Research Institute)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Universidade Federal do Paraná: Curitiba, PR, BR

2020-02 to 2020-03 | Invited Lecturer on the «Physiological Diversity and Global Change » Advanced Course (Zoology)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez: Penalolen, Santiago, CL

2018-12-01 to 2018-12-31 | Invited Professor (Faculty of Free Arts)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry: Plymouth, Plymouth, GB

2014-07-01 to 2016-12-30 | Invited Professor (School of Biological and Marine Sciences)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Plymouth Marine Laboratory: Plymouth, Devon, GB

2007-09-01 to 2016-12-30 | Invited Scientist (Life Support Systems)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Funding (7)

Vivre sans souffle? Caractérisation des communautés d'invertébrés marins benthiques dans un estuaire du Saint-Laurent en plein changement

2020-06 to 2023-03 | Grant
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (Quebec, QC, CA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Vivre sans souffle? Caractérisation des communautés d'invertébrés marins benthiques dans un estuaire du Saint-Laurent en plein changement

2020-06 to 2023-03 | Grant
Fonds de recherche du Québec Nature et technologies (Quebec, CA)
Source: check_circle

Arctic Marine Evolution: using local adaptation to infer future evolutionary responses of Calanus copepods to a changing environment

2020-05 to 2022-05 | Grant
Norwegian Research Council (Oslo, NO)
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Arctic Ecosystem Resilience in the Hudson Bay System

2020-04 to 2023-03 | Grant
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (ON, ON, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Développement d’un modèle énergétique et à individu-centré pour estimer l’impact écologique imminent des populations de sébastes sur l’écosystème du golfe du Saint-Laurent

2020-04 to 2022-03 | Grant
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Ottawa, ON, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Coastal Environmental Baseline Program- Spatial-temporal biodiversity patterns of the mysid community and associated zooplankton in the shallow coastal zone of the Ecologically and Biologically Significant Marine Area (EBSMA) of the lower St. Lawrence Estuary

2019-05 to 2022-04 | Grant
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (ON, ON, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi

Unravelling the cellular mechanisms underpinning within- and trans-generational physiological and life history responses of marine invertebrates exposed to multiple global change drivers using a multi-layer approach

2019-04 to 2025-03 | Grant
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Ottawa, Ontario, CA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Piero Calosi
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Nature climate change (1)