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Dr. Francesco Paparo MD phD, took his 6 years medical degree in 2002 (110/110 cum laude) at the “Sapienza” – University of Rome. In 2006, he completed a Professional continuing education certificate in “experimental microsurgery” at the university “Paris XIII”; In 2007, He completed his 5 years residency in Maxillofacial Surgery at the the “Sapienza” – University of Rome (70/70 cum laude). In 2011, He completed a research doctorate in “Neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery and otolaryngology “at the “Sapienza” – University of Rome. In 2012, he completed a Master in “Aesthetic Medicine” at the “Tor Vergata” – University of Rome. In 2013 He completed a Master in Medical laser Technique (Bologna - Italy). From 2008 to actual Dr. Paparo is consultant maxillofacial surgeon at the Azienda Ospedaliera "S. Maria" of Terni (Italy). He took part in over 1.500 maxillofacial surgery procedures. Dr. Paparo is either author or co- author of about 20 scientific publications in the field of maxillofacial surgery.