Personal information



Employment (1)

University of Basrah: Basrah, Basra, IQ

2002-03-04 to present (Marine of biology )
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Basrah: Basrah, Basra, IQ

2018-03-16 to present | Assist. Prof. Dr.
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Marine of Biology, Marine Science Center, University of Basrah: Basrah, Basrah, IQ

2009-02-05 to present | Aquaculture of shrimp (Marine of Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Professional activities (1)

Assistant Director General of Marine Sciences Center, University of Basra: Basrah, University Basrah, IQ

Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Works (33)

First record of peregrine shrimp Metapenaeus stebbingi Nobili, 1904 (Crustacea, Decapoda: Penaeidae) in the Iraqi waters, North-West Arabian Gulf

Baghdad Science Journal
2023-01-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Tariq H Y Al-Maliky; Raghad Zaidan Khalaf; Adib H Zeini
Source: check_circle

A study on shrimp fishing quantities offered in some markets of El Basrah, Iraq

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries
2022 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

The Study of annual shrimp stocks in Masshab (Al-Hammar Marsh), Basrah, Southern Iraq

GPH (IJAS)-International Journal of Applied Science
2022 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

First record of Lyphira heterograna (Ortmann, 1892) from the North West of the Arabian Gulf

Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 23077166 19956673
Contributors: Al-Maliky, T.H.Y.; Al-Maliky, A.M.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky via Scopus - Elsevier

First record of Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1797) (Octopodidae) in the Iraqi coastal waters, NW Arabian Gulf

. Journal of Applied and Natural Science
2021 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Effects of prebiotic and molasses on water quality, growth and survival of Metapenaeus affinis and Macrobracium nipponense in vitro, without changing water or adding pellets

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
2021-07-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2536-9814
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

First record of Hiplyra Elegans (Gravier, 1920),(Crustacea; Decapoda; Leucosiidae) in the North-West Arabian Gulf–Iraq

Revista Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade
2020-11-18 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

New records of Leucosiid crabs Lyphira perplexa Galil, 2009 (Crustacea; Decapoda; Leucosiidae) in the northwest of the Arabian Gulf–Iraq

Indo Pacific Journal of Ocean Life
2020-06-05 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity (New Recording of Two Species, Shrimp Penaeus Semisulcatus and Fish Pterois Volitans) in the Shat Al-Basra Channel - Basra, Iraq

Examines in Marine Biology and Oceanography
2020-03-18 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky


International Journal of Social & Scientific Research
2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Climate Change, Pollution and Related Effect in Some Neurological Condition like Autism Spectrum Disorders and Related Pathology

A Sociological Neuro Toxicological Analisys: State Of Evidence
2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Distribution and diversity of Meiobenthos in southern of Caspian Sea (Mazandaran-Iran)

Mesopotamian Journal of Marine Science
2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Effect of different temperatures on food consumption of juveniles shrimp Metapenaeus affinis (H. Milne Edwards, 1837)

2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Effect of urban pollutants on distribution of benthic foraminifera in the Southern of Caspian Sea

Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

The impact of climate change on biodiversity
2019 | Other
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

First record of the crab, Droippe quadridens (Fabricius, 1793) (Brachyura: Dorippidae), from the Iraqi coastal waters of the NW Arabian Gulf, with notes on the occurrence of …

2019-11-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Breeding of Shrimps Metapenaeus affinis (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) in Cages

International Journal of Marine Science
2017 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Composition of population and abundance of Penaeus semisulcatus (De Haan, 1844) in relation to microbial population from Al-Faw, Basrah, Iraq

Journal of Coastal Life Medicine
2017 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Fecundity of the crab, Potamon mesopotamicum brandis, storch & turkay, 1998 from the mesopotamian marshlands, Iraq

Journal of Fisheries and Environment
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 26300826 26300702
Contributors: Ali, M.H.; Al-Maliky, T.H.Y.
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky via Scopus - Elsevier

First Records of Two Pilumnid Crabs: Pilumnopeus convexus Maccagno 1936 and Eurycarcinus orientalis Edwards 1867 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Pilumnidae) from Khor Al-Zubair Canal, South of Iraq

International Journal of Marine Science
2017 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

New record of the snapping shrimp Alpheus edwardsii (Audouin, 1826)(Crustacea: Alpheoidea) in Basrah, Iraq

2017 | Journal article
Contributors: tariq almaliky
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

New records of xanthid crabs Atergatis roseus (Rüppell, 1830)(Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) from Iraqi coast, south of Basrah city, Iraq

2017 | Journal article
Contributors: tariq almaliky
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Polyculture of Machrobracium nipponense (De Haan, 1849) with Ctenopharyngodon idella Val., 1844 in Laboratory conditions

Mesopotamian Journal of Marine Science
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: tariq almaliky
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

New record of the Grapsoid crab Metaplax indica H. Milne-Edwards, 1852 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Thoracotremata) from the NW of the Arabian Gulf, Iraq

2016 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

دراسة الخواص الحسية ونسبة التصافي للروبيان الشرقي (Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan,1849 المصاد من منفذ المسحب قرب هور الحمار في البصرة

Journal of Basrah Researchers - Sciences
2016 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Experimental hatchery designed for the prawn Macrobrachium nipponense in Marine science center, Basrah, Iraq

Iraqi Journal of Aquaculture
2015 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Feeding Behavior of Juvenile Oriental Prawn Macrobrachium nipponense Under Laboratory Conditions

Iraqi Journal of Aquaculture
2015 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Study of Some Biological and Ecological Aspects, Aquaculture and Breeding Methods of Oriental Prawn Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan, 1849) In Basrah, Iraq

A Thesis (Ph.D.) Submitted to the College of Agriculture, University of Basrah-Iraq
2015 | Registered copyright
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

دراسة وصفية لروبيان القناديل Latreutes anoplonyx Kemp, 1914 (Decapoda: Caridea, Hippolytidae) في شمال غرب الخليج العربي

Iraqi Journal of Aquaculture
2015 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Mannal and characters of common shrimps species in Southern Iraqi waters

MSC- University of Basrah- Iraq
2013 | Registered copyright
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

تأثير التيار المائي على سلوك حركة الروبيان النهري الشرقي (Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan, 1849

Iraqi Journal of Aquaculture
2010 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Comparison of the growth rates of Jinga Shrimp Metapenaeus affinis (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) In different types of Aquaculture Systems

A thesis Submitted to the College of Agriculture – University of Basrah-Iraq
2009 | Registered copyright
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Economic feasibility of establishing a commercial shrimp farm in Basrah, Southern Iraq

Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
tariq almaliky

Peer review (23 reviews for 10 publications/grants)

Review activity for ["Mağallaẗ baġdād li-l-ʿulūm.","مجلة بغداد للعلوم."] (1)
Review activity for ["المجلة العراقية للاستزراع المائي.","Al-maǧallaẗ al-ʻirāqiyyaẗ li-l-istizrāʻ al-māʼhī."] (1)
Review activity for Asian journal of agricultural extension, economics and sociology. (6)
Review activity for Asian journal of current research. (1)
Review activity for Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research. (8)
Review activity for Asian Journal of Research in Zoology. (1)
Review activity for Brazilian Journal of Biology. (1)
Review activity for International Journal of Enviornment and Climate Change. (2)
Review activity for Maǧallaẗ al-baṣraẗ al-ʻulūm al-zirāʻiyyaẗ. (1)
Review activity for Uttar Pradesh journal of zoology. (1)