Personal information


Employment (1)

Oslo University Hospital: Oslo, Oslo, NO

PI (Department of Radiation Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Randi Syljuåsen

Works (4)

Expanding roles of cell cycle checkpoint inhibitors in radiation oncology

International Journal of Radiation Biology
2023-06-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Sissel Hauge; Adrian Eek Mariampillai; Gro Elise Rødland; Lilli T. E. Bay; Helga B. Landsverk; Randi G. Syljuåsen
Source: check_circle

R-loop-induced p21 expression following CDC73, CTR9, and PAF1 loss protects cancer cells against replicative catastrophe following WEE1 inhibition

2021-07-14 | Other
Contributors: Linda van Bijsterveldt; Helga B. Landsverk; Viola Nähse; Samuel C. Durley; Sovan S. Sarkar; Randi G. Syljuåsen; Timothy C. Humphrey
Source: check_circle

New link between the RNA polymerase II-CTD and replication stress

Molecular & Cellular Oncology
2021-05-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Helga B. Landsverk; Lise E. Sandquist; Lilli T. E. Bay; Randi G. Syljuåsen
Source: check_circle

p21 limits S phase DNA damage caused by the Wee1 inhibitor MK1775

Cell Cycle
2019-04-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Sissel Hauge; Libor Macurek; Randi G. Syljuåsen
Source: check_circle