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nanotechnology, quantum mechanics, software engineering, user interface design, web sites, collaboration


Michael McLennan currently works for Google, Inc., in Mountain View, California.

He was a Senior Research Scientist at Purdue University from 2004-2015, where he led the team that developed the HUBzero Platform for Scientific Collaboration. He created the Rappture toolkit as part of that platform. He has more than 20 years of software development experience in both academic and corporate environments, with an emphasis on computer-aided design tools and user interface design.

Dr. McLennan received a Ph.D. in 1990 from Purdue University for his dissertation on dissipative quantum mechanical electron transport in semiconductor heterostructure devices. He became a Tcl enthusiast when he joined Bell Labs in 1992 to work on tools for semiconductor device and process simulation. He is co-author of “Effective Tcl/Tk Programming” (published by Addison-Wesley) and “Tcl/Tk Tools” (published by O’Reilly and Associates). He also developed [incr Tcl], an object-oriented extension of Tcl, which has been used by thousands of developers worldwide, on projects ranging from the TiVo digital video recorder to the Mars Pathfinder.