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David Hall is a Visiting Professor in the Business School, University of Greenwich, London. From 2000-2013 he was Director of the Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU). He researches the politics and economics of public services, public finance, privatisation and PPPs, in water, energy, waste management, healthcare and other sectors – globally, in Europe, and in the UK. He has published numerous PSIRU reports, articles in academic journals, book chapters, and two books.
He has been a guest lecturer at the World Bank infrastructure division, and invited to address meetings of the United Nations department of economic and social affairs (UNDESA), the OECD, UNCTAD, ILO, the European Parliament, the EU Economic and Social Committee, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Belgian parliament, the constitutional court of Indonesia, the Walkerton enquiry (Canada), the global congress of Consumers International, meetings of the Asian-European People’s Forum, and a Moodys investors conference. The European Commission noted that PSIRU was “internationally recognised for its design and management of a unique research website and global database on water and energy providers which is widely visited and trusted by researchers, policy-makers and practitioners”.
He has been an invited speaker at seminars and conferences at many universities and research institutes around the world, covering a range of disciplines including economics, law, politics, environmental studies, development studies, labour relations, sociology, and public administration, including: Aalborg, Athens, Bantung, Barcelona, Berkeley, Berlin, Bologna, Bonn, Bradford, Brussels, Bologna, Cambridge, Erlangen, The Hague, Harvard, London (UCL, SOAS), Lima, Loughborough, Madrid, Milan, Munich, New York (Cornell), Newcastle, Oxford, Paris, Sheffield, St Petersburg, Tampere, Uppsala, Wellington and Wroclaw. He has worked with social movements, civil society organisations and trade unions internationally and round the world, and been invited to speak at civil society and trade union meetings in over 50 countries, on all continents.
He was guest editor of a special issue of Utilities Policy in 2007. He was the coordinator of the Watertime project, an EU-funded 3-year research project on decision-making on water in 29 cities in Europe, leading a group of five universities and research institutes (see ). He led a 2-year research project on corruption, funded by the Wallace Global Foundation. He is a partner in the Low Carbon Energy for Development Network (LCEDN).
2019 D.Hall, V. Weghmann The political economy of compensation for nationalisation or municipalisation ECPR 2019
2018 D. Hall, T Nguyen Economic benefits of public services Real World Economics Review RWER 84 June 2018
2017 K Bayliss, D. Hall Bringing water into public ownership: costs and benefits PSIRU
2016 D Hall Public ownership of the UK energy system – benefits, costs and processes PSIRU
2015 D Hall SGI under regimes of fiscal austerity. In “Services of General Interest Beyond the Single Market” ed. Krajewski, M. Asser Press Springer
2014 D Hall Public and private sector efficiency PSIRU
2014 D Hall Why we need public spending PSIRU
2014 D Hall Equality and public services – beyond consumer spending PSIRU
2014 D Hall PPPs PSIRU
2014 D.Hall, S. Van Niekerk, T. Nguyen Renewable energy: a global review PSIRU
2013 D. Hall, E. Lobina, P. Terhorst Re-municipalisation in early 21st century: water in France and energy in Germany International Review of Applied Economics. 27-2
2012 Ben Fine, David Hall Terrains of Neoliberalism: Constraints and Opportunities in McDonald D. And Ruiters G. (eds.) Alternatives to Privatization Routledge
2012 D. Hall and T. Nguyen Waste management in Europe: companies, structure and employment PSIRU
2012 D Hall Corruption and public services PSIRU
2008 E. Lobina, D. Hall The comparative advantage of the public sector in the development of urban water supply. Progress in Development Studies 8 (1)
2007 D. Hall, E. Lobina Profitability and the poor: corporate strategies, innovation and sustainability. Geoforum, 38 (5).
2005 D. Hall, E. Lobina, R. De La Motte Public resistance to privatisation in water and energy. Development in Practice, 15 (3-4).
2004 E. Nissan, D. Hall, E. Lobina, R. DeLaMotte A formalism for a case study in the watertime project: the city water system in Grenoble,
Applied Artificial Intelligence, 18 (3-4).
2004 D. Hall, E. Lobina Private and public interests in water & energy Natural Resources Forum, 28 (4).