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Employment (1)

Depatment of Behavioural sciences and Learing: Linköping, SE

2017-01-20 to present | Assistant professor, Ph D (Depatment of Behavioural sciences and Learing)
Source: Self-asserted source
ann-Charlotte Münger

Education and qualifications (1)

Department of behavioural science and learning: Linköping, SE

2017-01-20 to present | Assistant profesor, Ph.D (Department of behavioural science and learning)
Source: Self-asserted source
ann-Charlotte Münger

Funding (1)

The (in)visible violence. The preschool´s and school´s in ability to identify and respons to children who are exposed to violence in their family

FORTE (Stockholm, SE)
Source: Self-asserted source
ann-Charlotte Münger