Personal information


Employment (1)

USDA-ARS: Salinas, US

2017-11-26 to present | Research Geneticist
Source: Self-asserted source
Kaori Ando

Works (3)

Introgression of a Novel Ug99-Effective Stem Rust Resistance Gene into Wheat and Development of Dasypyrum villosum Chromosome-Specific Markers via Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS)

Plant Disease
2019-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Kaori Ando; Vandhana Krishnan; Sheri Rynearson; Matthew N. Rouse; Tatiana Danilova; Bernd Friebe; Deven See; Michael O. Pumphrey
Source: check_circle

First Report of Cucurbit Chlorotic Yellows Virus Infecting Melon in the New World

Plant Disease
2019-04 | Journal article
Contributors: W. M. Wintermantel; L. L. Jenkins Hladky; P. Fashing; K. Ando; J. D. McCreight
Source: check_circle

Genome-wide associations for multiple pest resistances in a Northwestern United States elite spring wheat panel

2018-02-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Kaori Ando; Aimin Zhang; Sheri Rynearson; Kebede T. Muleta; Jhonatan Gedamu; Bedada Girma; Nilsa A. Bosque-PĂ©rez; Ming-Shun Chen; Mike O. Pumphrey
Source: check_circle