Personal information

United Kingdom


Education and qualifications (3)

University of Oklahoma: Norman, Oklahoma, US

M.S. (Meteorology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

Princeton University: Princeton, New Jersey, US

Ph.D. (Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

Monash University: Melbourne, Victoria, AU

B.Sci. (Hons)
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

Works (23)

Decreasing aerosols increase the European summer diurnal temperature range

npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2025-02-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Carla M. Roesch; Emilie Fons; Andrew P. Ballinger; Jakob Runge; Gabriele C. Hegerl
Source: check_circle

Using analogues to predict changes in future UK heatwaves*

Environmental Research: Climate
2024-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Emma L Yule; Gabriele C Hegerl; Andrew Schurer; Andrew Ballinger; Ed Hawkins
Source: check_circle

Estimating Combined Effects of Climate Change and Land Cover Change on Water Regulation Services of Urban Wetlands in Valdivia, Chile

Earth's Future
2024-05 | Journal article
Contributors: J. Sauer; N. B. Grimm; O. Barbosa; E. M. Cook; A. Mustafa; K. Kunkel; T. McPhearson; A. Ballinger
Source: check_circle

Assessing observational constraints on future European climate in an out-of-sample framework

npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2024-04-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Christopher H. O’Reilly; Lukas Brunner; Saïd Qasmi; Rita Nogherotto; Andrew P. Ballinger; Ben Booth; Daniel J. Befort; Reto Knutti; Andrew P. Schurer; Aurélien Ribes et al.
Source: check_circle

Combining temperature and precipitation to constrain the aerosol contribution to observed climate change

Journal of Climate
2024-04-24 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0894-8755
Part of ISSN: 1520-0442
Contributors: Carla M. Roesch; Andrew P. Ballinger; Andrew P. Schurer; Gabriele C. Hegerl
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

Linearity of the Climate Response to Increasingly Strong Tropical Volcanic Eruptions in a Large Ensemble Framework

Journal of Climate
2024-04-15 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0894-8755
Part of ISSN: 1520-0442
Contributors: Claudia Timmreck; Dirk Olonscheck; Andrew P. Ballinger; Roberta D’Agostino; Shih-Wei Fang; Andrew P. Schurer; Gabriele C. Hegerl
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

Observed links between heatwaves and wildfires across Northern high latitudes

Environmental Research Letters
2024-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: D Hegedűs; A P Ballinger; G C Hegerl
Source: check_circle

Assessing the impact of very large volcanic eruptions on the risk of extreme climate events

Environmental Research: Climate
2023-09-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Nicolas Freychet; Andrew P Schurer; Andrew P Ballinger; Laura Suarez-Gutierrez; Claudia Timmreck
Source: check_circle

The Importance of Accounting for the North Atlantic Oscillation When Applying Observational Constraints to European Climate Projections

Geophysical Research Letters
2023-08-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrew P. Ballinger; Andrew P. Schurer; Christopher H. O’Reilly; Gabriele C. Hegerl
Source: check_circle

Attribution of observed changes in extreme temperatures to anthropogenic forcing using CMIP6 models

Weather and Climate Extremes
2023-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2212-0947
Contributors: Mastawesha Misganaw Engdaw; Andrea K. Steiner; Gabriele C. Hegerl; Andrew P. Ballinger
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

Combination of Decadal Predictions and Climate Projections in Time: Challenges and Potential Solutions

Geophysical Research Letters
2022-08-16 | Journal article
Contributors: D. J. Befort; L. Brunner; L. F. Borchert; C. H. O’Reilly; J. Mignot; A. P. Ballinger; G. C. Hegerl; J. M. Murphy; A. Weisheimer
Source: check_circle

Changes in temperature and heat waves over Africa using observational and reanalysis data sets

International Journal of Climatology
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Mastawesha Misganaw Engdaw; Andrew P. Ballinger; Gabriele C. Hegerl; Andrea K. Steiner
Source: check_circle

An Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change in Illinois

Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

Projections of northern hemisphere extratropical climate underestimate internal variability and associated uncertainty

Communications Earth & Environment
2021-09-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Christopher H. O’Reilly; Daniel J. Befort; Antje Weisheimer; Tim Woollings; Andrew Ballinger; Gabriele Hegerl
Source: check_circle

Toward Consistent Observational Constraints in Climate Predictions and Projections

Frontiers in Climate
2021-06-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2624-9553
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

North Carolina Climate Science Report

North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies
2020 | Report
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

Comparing methods to constrain future European climate projections using a consistent framework

Journal of Climate
2020-07-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0894-8755
Part of ISSN: 1520-0442
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

Human influence strengthens the contrast between tropical wet and dry regions

Environmental Research Letters
2020-03-26 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1748-9326
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger
Preferred source (of 2)‎

An Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Great Lakes

Environmental Law and Policy Center
2019 | Report
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

The Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Activity to Off-Equatorial Thermal Forcing in Aquaplanet Simulations

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
2015-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0022-4928
Part of ISSN: 1520-0469
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

Tracking Scheme Dependence of Simulated Tropical Cyclone Response to Idealized Climate Simulations

Journal of Climate
2014-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0894-8755
Part of ISSN: 1520-0442
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

On the validity of the ambipolar diffusion assumption in the polar mesopause region

Annales Geophysicae
2008-11-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1432-0576
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger

The Statistical Characteristics of Convective Cells in a Monsoon Regime (Darwin, Northern Australia)

Monthly Weather Review
2007-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0027-0644
Part of ISSN: 1520-0493
Source: Self-asserted source
Andrew Ballinger