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Dr. Abraham Tesfaye Bika is currently managing director for SBI Consulting Services. He is also an Adjunct Assistant professor in the Department of Laboratory Science, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, and Executive board chair of the Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Association (EPHLA). Abraham has over 20 years of experience working with diverse national and international organizations and institutions. Abraham did his post-doc in implementation science on a joint NIHR project at CDT-Africa and Brighton & Sussex Medical School, focusing on designing and evaluating complex interventions and developing diagnostic kits for infectious diseases. He has a Ph.D. and MSc in microbiology and a Master of Public Health degree. Abraham has practical experiences and skills in business management, health office & research project leadership, public health emergency & laboratory management, research design & implementation, diagnostic kit development, bioinformatics tools, microbiology & molecular biology methods, analytical techniques, mathematical modeling, quality management system, ISO/IEC 15189, statistical analysis, and geospatial mapping and cluster analysis. He has more than 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals. Please email Abraham at