Personal information

NMR, Core Analysis, Petroleum
United States, China


Education and qualifications (2)

Rice University: Houston, TX, US

2014-08-18 to present | Ph.D. (CHBE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Zeliang Chen

University of Science and Technology of China: Hefei, Anhui, CN

2010-08-16 to 2014-07-01 | Bachelor (School of the Gifted Young)
Source: Self-asserted source
Zeliang Chen

Works (1)

Role of internal motions and molecular geometry on the NMR relaxation of hydrocarbons

The Journal of Chemical Physics
2018-04-28 | Journal article
Contributors: P. M. Singer; D. Asthagiri; Z. Chen; A. Valiya Parambathu; G. J. Hirasaki; W. G. Chapman
Source: check_circle