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Mr. David Martín Gómez, graduated in Industrial Physics (Specialty in Automation) from the UNED in 2002, and holds a PhD in Computer Engineering from the CSIC and the UNED in 2008, where he was a predoctoral fellow at the CSIC from 2002 to 2006. He was also a researcher at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN, Switzerland, 2006-2008) and a postdoctoral researcher in Robotics at the CSIC (2008-2011). Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and a member of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory (LSI) since 2011. His lines of research are perception systems, computer vision, sensor fusion, intelligent transportation systems, advanced driver assistance systems, autonomous ground vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, positioning and autonomous navigation of ground and aerial vehicles, and self-awareness, reasoning and decision-making under uncertainty in autonomous vehicles.
Prof. Martín focuses his research at the LSI on the development of perception systems for advanced driver assistance systems during his first stage as Visiting Professor at UC3M. Since 2013, he emphases its research on the development of the intelligent systems based on inertial sensors, the 3D LiDAR sensors, the computer vision systems, the automatic inspection systems and the autonomous vehicles in the railway sector, and continues its research lines based on intelligent transportation systems and autonomous vehicles.
In 2017, Prof. Martín obtained a position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation at UC3M, and consolidates his research activity in ground and aerial autonomous vehicles until today. In January 2020 he obtains a position improvement to Visiting Professor and, in August 2020, he achieves a position as Associate Professor at UC3M. Prof. Martín has been Co-Director of 3 Doctoral Theses that have been evaluated with summa cum laude in the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation of the UC3M, and currently, he is Co-Director of 4 Doctoral Theses and Director of 1 Doctoral Thesis. Prof. Martín has a five-year period for teaching merits at UC3M.
As a result of his research work, he has two six-year periods for research merits and has published a total of 30 articles in international journals collected in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), where 14 of the articles have been in journals that belongs to the first quarter of their category in the JCR, 9 in the second, 6 in the third and 1 in the fourth. The candidate is co-author of 5 book chapters and 3 publications in journals not indexed in the JCR, and so far, he has made 46 contributions to international conferences and 24 to national conferences. At this time, the 108 published articles have received a total of 1262 citations (307 during the year 2020 and 223 in the year 2021), and it is noteworthy, that the h factor of the Dr. Martín is 19 (Index i10: 31) according to Google Scholar.
Throughout his research activity at the CSIC, CERN and UC3M, Prof. Martín has continuously participated in competitive research projects, specifically in a total of 19, in 2 of which he is currently the principal researcher at UC3M. The transfer of research results is a constant concern of Prof. Martín, having participated so far in 39 projects of technology and knowledge transfer to industry, leading 5 of them. He is also co-author of 8 Spanish Patents and 1 European Patent (where 2 of the Patents have PCT International), and currently, he is co-author of 1 Patent that is pending. Likewise, he has been the recipient of several research awards, related to the research works developed.
At the international level, Professor Martín is a reviewer of prestigious journals that belong to the first quartile of the JCR, and participates in international advisory committees such as the "JARUS Automation Work Group" that is organized by the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS), where he leads the subgroup "JARUS Automation WG: Technology Maturity", which is specialized in the analysis of the maturity of the autonomous navigation technologies of aircrafts for future use in international airspace. In addition, he is member of the Spanish Computer Vision Group, member of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and member of IEEE Signal Processing Society - IEEE Autonomous Systems Initiative (SPS - ASI), among others. Prof. Martín, in2014, was awarded in the VIII Edition of the Eduardo Barreiros Foundation Award for research in the Automotive field, and in 2015, the IEEE society awarded him as the best reviewer of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.