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Works (5)

Methods, rationale, and design for a remote pharmacist and navigator-driven disease management program to improve guideline-directed medical therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes at elevated cardiovascular and/or kidney risk

Primary Care Diabetes
2024-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexander J. Blood; Lee-Shing Chang; Caitlin Colling; Gretchen Stern; Daniel Gabovitch; Guinevere Feldman; Asma Adan; Fanta Waterman; Emily Durden; Carol Hamersky et al.
Source: check_circle

User Engagement Clusters of an 8-Week Digital Mental Health Intervention Guided by a Relational Agent (Woebot): Exploratory Study

Journal of Medical Internet Research
2023-10-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Valerie Hoffman; Megan Flom; Timothy Y Mariano; Emil Chiauzzi; Andre Williams; Andrew Kirvin-Quamme; Sarah Pajarito; Emily Durden; Olga Perski
Source: check_circle

Engagement, Satisfaction, and Mental Health Outcomes Across Different Residential Subgroup Users of a Digital Mental Health Relational Agent: Exploratory Single-Arm Study

JMIR Formative Research
2023-09-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Valerie L Forman-Hoffman; Maddison C Pirner; Megan Flom; Andrew Kirvin-Quamme; Emily Durden; Jennifer A Kissinger; Athena Robinson
Source: check_circle

User Engagement Clusters of an 8-Week Digital Mental Health Intervention Guided by a Relational Agent (Woebot): Exploratory Study (Preprint)

2023-03-11 | Preprint
Contributors: Valerie Hoffman; Megan Flom; Timothy Y Mariano; Emil Chiauzzi; Andre Williams; Andrew Kirvin-Quamme; Sarah Pajarito; Emily Durden; Olga Perski
Source: check_circle

Engagement, Satisfaction, and Mental Health Outcomes Across Different Residential Subgroup Users of a Digital Mental Health Relational Agent: Exploratory Single-Arm Study (Preprint)

2023-02-16 | Preprint
Contributors: Valerie L Forman-Hoffman; Maddison C Pirner; Megan Flom; Andrew Kirvin-Quamme; Emily Durden; Jennifer A Kissinger; Athena Robinson
Source: check_circle