Personal information
José Gabriel da Silva Brito Lopes was born in Barreiro, Portugal in 1975. He received the B.Sc. and Dipl. Ing. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Portugal, in 1998 and 2001 and the M.Sc. degree in Electric and Computing Engineering (Automation of a Particle Accelerator) in 2007 from Technical Superior Institute/Technical University of Lisbon (IST/UTL), Portugal and the Doctor degree in Electric and Computing Engineering (High Current Ion Implanter Operation Optimization) from Technical Superior Institute/Technical University of Lisbon (IST/UTL), Portugal, in 2014. Collaborator at the Laboratory of Accelerators and Radiation Technologies at the Nuclear and Technological Campus, Sacavém, Portugal (CTN) since 2004, with several publications in the ion implantation/particle acelerator area. He has been an Assistant Professor at ISEL since 2001 at 2014 and Adjunct Professor at ISEL since 2014. His topics of research include automation, optimization, ion implantation Technology and electronic systems.