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Liezel Lues is a Public Administration and Management Professor at the University of the Free State, South Africa. Prior to joining the UFS, she worked in Human Resource Development at the Free State Office of the Premier and the National Department of Water Affairs. Having completed a post-doctoral tenure, she joined the University of the Free State in 2006, later serving as Programme Director and Head of Department. She served as Deputy- and Chairperson of the Association of Southern African Departments of Public Administration and Management (ASSADPAM), is a member of the Board of Management of the International Associations of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) and serves on the Steering Committee of the International Commission on the Accreditation of Public Administration and Training Programs (ICAPA-SC).
She has published, presented and supervised widely, serves on various journal editorial boards, holds an NRF rating and has been awarded the senior researcher faculty award on two occasions.
Her teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and postgraduate classes in public sector human resource management and research development. Her overarching research and teaching niche area is Human Resource Management, with a particular interest in Public Sector Management and Leadership.