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Cell Biologist; virologist; cell death; oxidative stress


Name: Jiann-Ruey Hong

B.S: Sept. 1983-June 1986 Department of husbandry,
Chinese culture university, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

M.S: Sept. 1989-June 1991 Graduate institute of
biotechnology, Chinese culture university, Taipei,
Taiwan, R.O.C.

Ph.D: Sept. 1994-June 1999 Institute of life science,
National defense medical center, Taipei, Taiwan,

1. Research assistant: July 1991-July 1994. Institute of zoology, Academia sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
2. Postdoctoral fellow: July 1999-July, 2002, Institute of zoology, Academia sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
3. Assistant professor: August 2002-July 2007, Institute of Biotechnology, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
4. Associate professor: August 2007-Present, Institute of Biotechnology, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
5.Professor: August 2013-present, Institute of Biotechnology, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
6. Professor: August 2016-present, Department of Biotechnology and Bio-industry, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1. Reviewer: Fish & Shellfish Immunology (2004-2010)
2. Reviewer: Virus Research (2004-2010)
3. Reviewer: Journal of Fish Diseases (2006-2010)
4. Reviewer: Journal of Fish Biology (2007, 2010)
5. Reviewer: Journal of Immunology (2008-2011)
6. Biographies: Afro-Asian Who’s Who, V1 (2006) in India
7. Biographies: ASIA/PACIFIC-WHO’S WHO, V7 (2007) in India
8. Invited speaker and session chairman: The 1st World Summit of Antiviral (WSA-2008) with the theme of Combating Severe Viral Infection. Session Chairman in Kunming, China.
9. Biographies: Who’sWho in Science and Engineering 2008~2009 (10th Edition) in America.
10. BIT life sciences’ 2nd annual world summit of antivirals 2009, Beijing, China. Invited speaker.
11. Biographies: Who’sWho in the World (2010) in America
12. Biographies: 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of 21st Century (International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England).
13. Lifetime Achievement Award: Excellence in Virology, United Cultural Convention-2010, USA.
14. Man of the Year for Taiwan, American Biographical Institute, 2010
15. Biographies: ASIA/Man and Woman of Achievement Vol III (2010) in India
16. BIT’s 1st world congress of virus and infection-2010, Busan, South Korea. Invited speaker and Organizing Committee Members.
17. BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Microbes-2011 (WCM-2011), Beijing, China.
18. Man of The Year 2011, Molecular Virology, Outstanding pursuits and achievements as recognized by the American Biographical Institute for Dedication and Excellence.


Employment (7)

National Cheng Kung University: Tainan, Tainan, TW

Associate Professor (Institute of Biotechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
JR Hong

National Cheng Kung University: Tainan, Tainan, TW

Associate Professor (Institute of Biotechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
JR Hong

National Cheng Kung University: Tainan, TW

Associate Professor (Institute of Biotechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
JR Hong

National Cheng Kung University: Tainan, TW

Assocaiate Professor (College of Bioscience and Biotechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
JR Hong

National Cheng Kung University: Tainan, TW

Source: Self-asserted source
JR Hong

Institute of Biotechnology, NCKU: Tainan, TW

2012-08-01 to present | Professor (Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry)
Source: Self-asserted source
JR Hong

National Cheng Kung University: Tainan, TW

2002-08-01 to present | Associate professor (College of Bioscience and Bioechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
JR Hong

Education and qualifications (1)

National Cheng Kung University: Tainan, TW

2012-08-01 to present | Professor (Institute of Biotechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
JR Hong

Works (9)

ISKNV Triggers AMPK/mTOR-Mediated Autophagy Signaling through Oxidative Stress, Inducing Antioxidant Enzyme Expression and Enhancing Viral Replication in GF-1 Cells

2024-06-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Tsai-Ching Hsueh; Pin-Han Chen; Jiann-Ruey Hong
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A Mitochondrion-Targeting Protein (B2) Primes ROS/Nrf2-Mediated Stress Signals, Triggering Apoptosis and Necroptosis in Lung Cancer

2023-01-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Hsuan-Wen Chiu; Shao-Wen Hung; Ching-Feng Chiu; Jiann-Ruey Hong
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Infectious Spleen and Kidney Necrosis Virus (ISKNV) Triggers Mitochondria-Mediated Dynamic Interaction Signals via an Imbalance of Bax/Bak over Bcl-2/Bcl-xL in Fish Cells

2022-04-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Pin-Han Chen; Tsai-Ching Hsueh; Jen-Leih Wu; Jiann-Ruey Hong
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Overexpression of Bcl2 and Bcl2L1 Can Suppress Betanodavirus-Induced Type III Cell Death and Autophagy Induction in GF-1 Cells

2022-02-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Ang-Jung Lee; Hong-Jun Liao; Jiann-Ruey Hong
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Proapoptotic Gene Bad Regulates Brain Development via p53-Mediated Stress Signals in Zebrafish

2021-10-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Jo-Chi Hung; Jen-Leih Wu; Huei-Ching Li; Hsuan-Wen Chiu; Jiann-Ruey Hong
Source: check_circle

EPA and DHA can modulate cell death via inhibition of the Fas/tBid-mediated signaling pathway with ISKNV infection in grouper fin cell line (GF-1) cells

Fish & Shellfish Immunology
2020-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Kuang-Wen Chen; Hsuan-Wen Chiu; Yu-Wei Chiu; Jen-Leih Wu; Jiann-Ruey Hong
Source: check_circle

Anti-apoptotic genes Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL overexpression can block iridovirus serine/threonine kinase-induced Bax/mitochondria-mediated cell death in GF-1 cells

Fish & Shellfish Immunology
2017-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Latif Reshi; Hua-Ven Wang; Cho-Fat Hui; Yu-Chin Su; Jiann-Ruey Hong
Source: check_circle

Aquatic viruses induce host cell death pathways and its application

Virus Research
2016-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Latif Reshi; Jen-Leih Wu; Hao-Ven Wang; Jiann-Ruey Hong
Source: check_circle

The phosphatidylserine receptor is required for the engulfment of dead apoptotic cell and for normal development in zebrafish

2004 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
JR Hong

Peer review (94 reviews for 26 publications/grants)

Review activity for Annals of translational medicine. (1)
Review activity for Antioxidants. (9)
Review activity for Biomedicines. (2)
Review activity for Biomolecules. (2)
Review activity for BMC cancer (1)
Review activity for BMC veterinary research (2)
Review activity for Cancer cell international. (22)
Review activity for Cells. (14)
Review activity for Dentistry journal. (2)
Review activity for Fish & shellfish immunology. (1)
Review activity for Fish physiology and biochemistry. (1)
Review activity for International journal of molecular sciences. (2)
Review activity for Journal of biomedical science (6)
Review activity for Journal of cellular physiology. (1)
Review activity for Journal of molecular endocrinology. (1)
Review activity for Microorganisms. (5)
Review activity for Molecular and cellular biochemistry. (5)
Review activity for Nutrients. (3)
Review activity for Pharmaceuticals. (2)
Review activity for Pharmaceutics. (1)
Review activity for Planta medica. (3)
Review activity for Reviews in medical virology. (1)
Review activity for Virology. (2)
Review activity for Virus genes. (1)
Review activity for Virus genes. (2)
Review activity for Viruses. (2)