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Works (6)

Implementing front-of-pack nutrition warning labels in Mexico: important lessons for low- and middle-income countries

Public Health Nutrition
2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Eric Crosbie; Margarita Gabriela Otero Alvarez; Michelle Cao; Lesly Samara Vejar Renteria; Estefania Rodriguez; Ana Larrañaga Flota; Angela Carriedo
Source: check_circle

Promoción de alimentos y bebidas en los puntos de venta: claves para su regulación (Promotion of food and beverages at points of sale: keys to its regulation)

Síntesis sobre políticas de salud. Propuestas basadas en evidencia. (Health policy briefs. Evidence-based proposals)
2021 | Book chapter | Writing - review & editing
Part of ISBN: 978-607-511-216-9
Contributors: Ximena Zárate; Ana Paula Bonner; Mariel White; Estefania Rodriguez; Ana Munguía; Lizbeth Tolentino; Lesly Samara Véjar; Simón Barquera
Source: Self-asserted source
Estefania Rodriguez

Etiquetado de advertencia en México: una estrategia de prevención de obesidad y enfermedades no transmisibles (Warning labeling in Mexico: an obesity prevention and noncommunicable diseases strategy)

Síntesis sobre políticas de salud Propuestas basadas en evidencia. (Health policy briefs. Evidence-based proposals)
2021 | Book chapter | Writing - review & editing
Part of ISBN: 978-607-511-216-9
Contributors: Ana Munguía; Carlos Cruz-Casarrubias; Claudia Nieto; Lizbeth Tolentino-Mayo; Estefania Rodriguez; Simón Barquera
Source: Self-asserted source
Estefania Rodriguez

Código Nutricia: nutrición y conflicto de interés en la academia (Nutricia Code: nutrition and conflict of interest in academia)

Salud Pública de México
2020-05-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1606-7916
Part of ISSN: 0036-3634
Contributors: Estefania Rodriguez
Source: Self-asserted source
Estefania Rodriguez

Conflicto de intereses en las políticas públicas de prevención y control del sobrepeso y la obesidad (Conflict of interest in public policies for the prevention and control of overweight and obesity)

La obesidad en México. Estado de la política pública y recomendaciones para su prevención y control (Obesity in Mexico. Status of public policy and recommendations for its prevention and control)
2019-02-22 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 978-607-511-179-7
Contributors: Estefania Rodriguez
Source: Self-asserted source
Estefania Rodriguez

The INFORMAS healthy food environment policy index (Food‐EPI) in Mexico: An assessment of implementation gaps and priority recommendations

Obesity Reviews
2019-01-07 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Estefania Rodriguez