Personal information
Pedro M. Reis is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. His research group, the Flexible Structures Laboratory, is dedicated to the fundamental understanding of the mechanics of slender structures and their intrinsic geometric nonlinearities. Prof. Reis received a B.Sc. from the University of Manchester, UK (1999), a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Mathematics (Part III Maths) from St. John’s College and DAMTP, University of Cambridge (2000) and a Ph.D. from the University of Manchester (2004). He postdoc positions at the City College of New York (2004-05) at the ESPCI in Paris (2005-07). He joined MIT in 2007 as an Instructor in Applied Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics. In 2010 he moved to MIT’s School of Engineering, with dual appointments in Mechanical Engineering and Civil & Environmental Engineering, first as the Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Assistant Professor and after 2014 as Gilbert W. Winslow Associate Professor. In October 2013, the Popular Science magazine named Prof. Reis to its 2013 “Brilliant 10” list of young stars in Science and Technology. He has also received the 2014 CAREER Award (NSF), the 2016 Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award (Applied Mechanics Division of the ASME), the 2017 GSOFT Early Career Award for Soft Matter Research (APS) and he is a Fellow of the APS.
More information on the activities of his research group can be found in the following link: