Personal information
Ana Maria Brito (BA in Romance Philology, 1974, University of Lisbon; PhD in Linguistics, 1988, University of Porto, 2003; Habilitation ("Agregação") in Linguistics, 2003, University of Porto). She is a (retired) Full Professor at FLUP, where she was responsible for MA (2007-2019) and PhD programs in Linguistics and/or Language Sciences (2014-2020). She is the author of books and co-author of others, among them the «Gramática da Língua Portuguesa», Caminho, Lisboa, 2003; author of circa 140 papers and chapters of books in the areas of Portuguese Syntax, Comparative Syntax, the interfaces syntax-semantics and syntax-morphology and syntactic variation. Her main interests are the syntax of NP, possessives, complements and modifiers in NP, relative and interrogative clauses, ditransitive constructions, deverbal nominalizations, nominalized infinitives, comparative and consecutive constructions. Recently she is interested in the morphosyntax of sign languages, in particular LGP (Portuguese sign language). She was the President of the Portuguese Linguistics Association from 2008 to 2010. She regularly collaborates with FCT and A3ES; she belongs to the scientific board of several journals and she has been invited to the scientific committee of many conferences in Linguistics. She supervised seven PhD (concluded) and more than 40 MA Dissertations. She was the director of the journal «Linguística. Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da Universidade do Porto» since 2010 to 2020.
Employment (5)
Education and qualifications (3)
Funding (6)