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Funding (4)

Design, development and application of a technologically advanced system of natural daylight and artificial PV lighting - Hybrid Light Tube

2014-07 to 2016-06 | Grant
Source: Self-asserted source
Paris Fokaides

Phase Change Material (PCM) enhanced plaster for upgrading the energy efficiency of contemporary and historic buildings.

2014-07 to 2016-06 | Grant
M-ERA.NET Transnational Call 2012 (EU, CY)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paris Fokaides

Design and development of collection, management and distribution centers for the exploitation of olive solid waste energy purpose

2012-10 to 2015-03 | Grant
Cross-border Cooperation Program “Greece-Cyprus 2007-2013” (Thessaloniki, GR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paris Fokaides

Innovative methods for protection and conservation of sustainable design elements of vernacular architecture in the historic center of Nicosia

2012-06 to 2014-08 | Grant
Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus (Nicosia, CY)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paris Fokaides