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The most relevant scientific contributions are in the study of education, childhood and parenting in a context of socio-educational inequality, especially consequence of migratory flows. My trajectory has focused on three sub-lines that intertwine.
First line is the exploration of the parental continuities and discontinuities of the native population (according to social class, adoption experience, ...) and of migrant origin according to the mandate of educational institutions. The hypothesis is that there is less continuity on families of lower class and migrant origin; the interest is to show and value the diversity of parental practices that respond to socioculturally specific care logics. This line includes most of my participation in competitive R&D projects, contracts with the Bofill Foundation, the international project WELLCHI (PI Ll. Flaquer, CIT2-CT- 2004-505978), R&D and networks on international adoption (PI Dr. D. Marre SEJ 2006-15286 / SOCI, MICINNCSO2009-14763-C03-01 SOCI subprogram, PSI2009-06474-E/PSIC), my PhD researh on maternity and maternal practices, some supervised PhD (M. Vingut, about inclusion; M. G. Simbaña, parental participation in the school of rural communities in Ecuador; or F. El Mouali, on accompaniment to the schooling of mothers of Moroccan origin).
Second line is the experiences of educational inequality, especially focused on barriers and facilitators, of the school trajectories of young people of migrant origin. The hypothesis focuses on the role of the family, and the intra-family changes that must occur in families of migrant origin in order to facilitate the continuity and academic success of their children (being different according to gender). This line is developed mainly within the CER Migraciones in projects such as R+D Education and immigration in Barcelona, (IP Dra. S. Carrasco), several projects financed by AGAUR (2008 ARIE SC015928, 2007 ARAF2-00002,), a Recercaixa project directed by Dr. C. Solé (2011ACUP00163), R&D EXEDE PI Dr. F. Ferrer (EDU2011-23473), or the international project Reducing Early School Leaving in the EU (IP Dr. C.Timmerman).
Third line is about childhood studies as a focus on children as sociocultural agents. My interest is mainly focused on understanding the construction of the peer culture (which I already explored in my doctoral thesis and some publication and the WELLCHI project are derived, or my work at CIIMU) and their identities (co-IP together with Montse Rifà, EDU2016-78958-R).
In all cases there have been scientific publications (4 JCR articles, 5 Scopus references, 46 academic products including articles and book chapters), scientific conferences (see C2), conferences for professionals and, most of them, web page dissemination.
These experiences give me some scientific-technical capacities in the field of qualitative research (ethnographic methodology, research with minors, life stories but also semi-structured interviews, discussion groups, etc.). Since I have had a full-time contract at the university (2012) I have been part of the research teams doing field work using several techniques, analysing data and writing results. I contribute with the production of communications and / or scientific articles in all the projects. When the contractual status has allowed it (2016) I have started to present projects and to lead (with Montse Rifà, AGEncias PID2021-125108OB-I00, Trans-Emigra EDU2016-78958-R). Some people who make up the working group are in training in the research group.
2 Contributions to society have been made from different actions: training in courses for professionals (Barcelona Provincial Council, and City Councils), families (Barcelona City Council training families of Pakistani origin, Santa Coloma de Gramanet in preschool families, …), writing articles of dissemination, organizing seminars presenting the results to social and political agents.
3 My contribution training young researchers is focused on the one hand, on my participation as a teacher in the Master on Educational Research at the UAB, Faculty of Education Sciences, and tutoring 12 TFM (last 10 years). I have supervised 4 PhD researches (M. Vingut, who works as an associate professor at the UIB; Bl. Mendoza works as full-time profesor at Universidad Nacional de Ecuador, UNAE; G. Simbaña who works part-time at university and also serving as General Director of Educational Research for the Ministry of Education of Ecuador; F. El Mouali) and now I am supervising 5 more ones. The people I tutor are integrated into the training activities that the recognized research group to which I belong (Atlas interseccions crítiques en Educació 2021SGR01014; CER-Migrations 2017SGR1702; 2014SGR1524- Migracions), and they participate in projects based on their affinity.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Works (10)