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In 2003 Maximov Valeriy graduated with honors from high school. In the same year he entered the Faculty of Physics of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In 2008 he graduated with a qualification: "engineer" with a degree in "hydroaerodynamics".
From 2008 to 2010, he studied at the magistracy of the Faculty of Physics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University at the Department of Thermal Physics, Standardization and Metrology with a degree in Technical Physics. Topic of master's thesis is "Numerical simulation of turbulent flows".
From 2010 to 2013, he studied at the PhD of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University at the Department of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics with a degree in Technical Physics. In 2013 he successfully defended his dissertation on the topic: "Research of thermal processes and aerodynamic characteristics of coal-fired thermal power plants."
From 2018 to 2021, he conducted research on the post-doctoral program at the NJSC "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University".
The results of his research have been repeatedly used in making technical decisions in the design and development of an optimal scheme for organizing coal combustion, implemented at the Shakhtinskaya CHPP (Shakhtinsk, Kazakhstan) and at the Gusinoozersk State District Power Plant (Gusinoozersk, Buryatia, Russia).
From 2009 to the present, he has been participating in the implementation of grants from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in priority areas: Basic research in the field of natural sciences, energy and mechanical engineering, ecology, etc.
From 07/03/09 to 08/25/09, as well as from 06/06/11 to 06/25/11 and from 03/15/13 to 04/23/13 he took an internship at the "Institute for Energy and Process Systems Engineering" in Braunschweig, Germany.
In 2010 he won the Republican competition of students and young scientists, where he received a diploma of the 1st degree and a medal of the "Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
In 2016, he won the competition "The Best Young Scientist of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University", where he received a Diploma and was awarded the Jubilee Medal.
For his contribution to the development of science and education of the Republic of Kazakhstan he was repeatedly awarded the "Kurmet" diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.