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Works (21)

Control and Connection: Exploring Elderly Attitudes Towards Digital Assistants in Home Care

2024-11-04 | Preprint
Contributors: Huzefa Mandasaurwala; Evelien Heyselaar; Tibor Bosse; Martijn H. Vastenburg
Source: check_circle

A virtual agent as a friendly neighbor

2024-09-16 | Conference paper
Contributors: Roel Boumans; Tibor Bosse
Source: check_circle

The ABC of algorithmic aversion: not agent, but benefits and control determine the acceptance of automated decision-making

2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Gabi Schaap; Tibor Bosse; Paul Hendriks Vettehen
Source: check_circle

Robots are both anthropomorphized and dehumanized when harmed intentionally

Communications Psychology
2024-08-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Marieke S. Wieringa; Barbara C. N. Müller; Gijsbert Bijlstra; Tibor Bosse
Source: check_circle

Designing a Couples-Based Conversational Agent to Promote Safe Sex in New, Young Couples: A User-Centred Design Approach

2024-07-08 | Conference paper
Contributors: Divyaa Balaji; Gert-Jan De Bruijn; Tibor Bosse; Carolin Ischen; Margot Van Der Goot; Reinout Wiers
Source: check_circle

Children’s reciprocity and relationship formation with a robot across age.

Technology, Mind, and Behavior
2024-05-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Luca M. Leisten; Evelien Heyselaar; Tibor Bosse; Ruud Hortensius
Source: check_circle

Supplemental Material for Children’s reciprocity and relationship formation with a robot across age.

Technology, Mind, and Behavior
2024-05-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Luca M. Leisten; Evelien Heyselaar; Tibor Bosse; Ruud Hortensius
Source: check_circle

Social norms as an interactive process: An agent-based cognitive modelling study

2024-02-09 | Preprint
Contributors: Yue Chen; Tibor Bosse; Marieke Woensdregt
Source: check_circle

Testing an intervention to stimulate early adolescents’ news literacy application in the Netherlands: A classroom experiment

Journal of Children and Media
2024-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Sanne L. Tamboer; Inge Molenaar; Tibor Bosse; Mariska Kleemans
Source: check_circle

HyLECA: A Framework for Developing Hybrid Long-term Engaging Controlled Conversational Agents

2023-07-19 | Conference paper
Contributors: Erkan Basar; Divyaa Balaji; Linwei He; Iris Hendrickx; Emiel Krahmer; Gert-Jan de Bruijn; Tibor Bosse
Source: check_circle

A Social Robot for Explaining Medical Tests and Procedures

2023-03-13 | Conference paper
Contributors: Roel Boumans; René Melis; Tibor Bosse; Serge Thill
Source: check_circle

The Peg-Turning Dilemma

2023-03-13 | Conference paper
Contributors: Marieke S. Wieringa; Barbara C.N. Müller; Gijsbert Bijlstra; Tibor Bosse
Source: check_circle

Children’s Reciprocity and Relationship Formation with a Robot Across Age

2022-11-12 | Preprint
Contributors: Luca M. Leisten; Evelien Heyselaar; Tibor Bosse; Ruud Hortensius
Source: check_circle

Can a Chatbot Comfort Humans? Studying the Impact of a Supportive Chatbot on Users’ Self-Perceived Stress

IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Lenin Medeiros; Tibor Bosse; Charlotte Gerritsen
Source: check_circle

Voice-Enabled Intelligent Virtual Agents for People With Amnesia: Systematic Review

JMIR Aging
2022-04-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Roel Boumans; Yana van de Sande; Serge Thill; Tibor Bosse
Source: check_circle

You, robot? The role of anthropomorphic emotion attributions in children’s sharing with a robot

International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Sari R.R. Nijssen; Barbara C.N. Müller; Tibor Bosse; Markus Paulus
Source: check_circle

Voice-Enabled Intelligent Virtual Agents for People With Amnesia: Systematic Review (Preprint)

2021-07-29 | Preprint
Contributors: Roel Boumans; Yana van de Sande; Serge Thill; Tibor Bosse
Source: check_circle

Using Theory of Mind to Assess Users’ Sense of Agency in Social Chatbots

2020 | Book chapter
Contributors: Evelien Heyselaar; Tibor Bosse
Source: check_circle

Towards Humanlike Chatbots Helping Users Cope with Stressful Situations

2019 | Book chapter
Contributors: Lenin Medeiros; Charlotte Gerritsen; Tibor Bosse
Source: check_circle

Simulating Mutual Support Networks of Human and Artificial Agents

2018 | Book chapter
Contributors: Lenin Medeiros; Tibor Bosse; Jan Treur
Source: check_circle

Studying the Impact of Trained Staff on Evacuation Scenarios by Agent-Based Simulation

2018 | Book chapter
Contributors: Daniel Formolo; Tibor Bosse; Natalie van der Wal
Source: check_circle