Personal information
I am a specialist in food chemistry with a focus on flavor creation in food, and analytical techniques such as GC/MS and olfactometry. My research centers around the identification of odor-active compounds in various food products, studying how technological processes affect their formation and contribute to the final aroma of the product. My work integrates instrumental analysis with sensory analysis to provide a comprehensive understanding of flavor and aroma development in food.
I am the author and co-author of over 70 publications presented in international journals, including Food Chemistry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, and others. I have led six research projects funded by the National Science Centre (NCN). I collaborate with leading scientific institutions, including Wageningen University (Netherlands), Technical University of Munich (Germany), University of Graz (Austria), University of Reading (UK), University of Portsmouth (UK), Instituto Castelo Branco (Portugal), and the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (Czech Republic).
In my professional experience, I completed two long-term internships: as a GC/MS Analyst in the Environmental Research Laboratory at Philip Environmental Lab in Reading, USA for 12 months, and a research internship at Unilever R&D Flavor Division in Vlaardingen, Netherlands for 6 months. I have supervised two completed doctoral theses and currently supervise three ongoing doctoral projects