Personal information

Verified email domains

Child Development, Cognition, Neuroimaging, Congenital Heart Disease, Chronic Liver Disease, Complex Medical Conditions
Switzerland, United States


Employment (7)

King's College London: London, GB

Source: check_circle
King's College London

King's College London: London, GB

2024-10-01 to present | Postdoctoral Researcher (Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University Children's Hospital Zurich: Zurich, CH

2022-08-01 to present | Postdoctoral Researcher (Child Development Center)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University of Zurich: Zurich, CH

2022-08-01 to 2023-12-31 | Postdoctoral Researcher (University Research Priority Program (URPP), Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning (AdaBD))
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Boston Children's Hospital: Boston, MA, US

2021-11-01 to 2022-09-30 | Associated Research Fellow (Cardiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University Children's Hospital Zurich: Zurich, CH

2018-09-01 to 2022-07-11 | Doctoral Research Assistant (Child Development Center)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University of Basel: Basel, Basel-Stadt, CH

2014-01-01 to 2018-05-31 | Student Research Assistant (Cognitive Neuroscience)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Education and qualifications (4)

University of Basel: Basel, CH

2023 to 2024 | Certificate of Advanced Studies in Child and Adolescent Psychology (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University of Zurich: Zurich, CH

2018 to 2022 | PhD (Clinical Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University of Basel: Basel, Basel-Stadt, CH

2016 to 2018 | M.Sc. (Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University of Basel: Basel, Basel-Stadt, CH

2013 to 2016 | B.Sc. (Psychology )
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Professional activities (9)

International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: Berkeley, US

2024-02 to present | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Developmental Science Network: Zurich, CH

2022 to present | Full member
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University Children's Hospital Zurich: Zurich, CH

2023-08-01 to 2024-09-30 | Member of the executive committee (Children's Research Center)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University of Zurich: Zurich, CH

2024 | FAN Award for Early Career Researcher
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University Children's Hospital Zurich: Zurich, CH

2022 | Best Oral Presentation (Annual meeting of the Children’s Research Center)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Association for European Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC): Geneva, CH

2022 | Best Oral Imaging Presentation (Annual meeting of the AEPC, Geneva )
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University Children's Hospital Zurich: Zurich, CH

2021 | Best Poster Prize (Annual meeting of the Children’s Research Center)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative (CNOC): virtual, US

2021 | Best Oral Presentation (Annual Scientific Session of the CNOC)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

University Children's Hospital Zurich: Zurich, CH

2020 to 2021 | Working group to develop career models for young researchers (Children's Research Center)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Funding (6)

SNSF Postdoc Mobility Grant: Unravelling brain alterations and associated neurodevelopmental sequelae in children with complex chronic conditions: A transdiagnostic approach to model individual brain heterogeneity

2024-10 to 2026-09 | Award
Swiss National Science Foundation (Bern, CH)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

The influence of environmental factors and genetics on brain development and executive functions in children with severe congenital heart defects.

2024-06 to 2025-05 | Grant
Heuberg Stiftung (Zurich, CH)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

The impact of clinical risk and environmental resilience factors on brain circuits & learning: A network connectivity analysis in adolescents with congenital heart disease

2022 to 2023 | Salary award
University of Zurich, University Research Priority Program AdaBD (Zurich, CH)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Vulnerability and Resilience in the Development of Patients with Congenital Heart Disease

2022 to 2023 | Salary award
Children's Research Center, University Children's Hospital Zurich (Zurich, CH)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

SNSF Doc Mobility Grant: Social cognition and behavioral outcomes in congenital heart disease: profiles and neuropsychiatric comorbidities

2021 to 2022 | Grant
Swiss National Science Foundation (Bern, CH)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Brain plasticity in children at risk for neurodevelopmental impairments

2020 to 2020 | Grant
Graduate Research Campus, University of Zurich (Zurich, CH)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Works (27)

Executive function profiles in survivors of neonatal critical illness – a latent profile analysis in school-aged children born very preterm or with complex congenital heart disease and in typically developing peers

Child Neuropsychology
2025-01-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Céline Steiner; Melanie Ehrler; Cornelia Hagmann; Beatrice Latal; Valentin Rousson; Flavia Maria Wehrle
Source: check_circle

The cumulative impact of clinical risk on brain networks and associations with executive function impairments in adolescents with congenital heart disease

Human Brain Mapping
2024-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Melanie Ehrler; Anna Speckert; Oliver Kretschmar; Ruth Tuura O'Gorman; Beatrice Latal; Andras Jakab
Source: check_circle

Cortical Alterations Associated with Executive Function Deficits in Youth with a Congenital Heart Defect

Imaging Neuroscience
2024-10-30 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2837-6056
Contributors: Fatme Abboud; Kaitlyn Easson; Melanie Ehrler; Justine Ziolkowski; Charles V. Rohlicek; Bea Latal; Christine Saint-Martin; Guillaume Gilbert; Matthias Greutmann; Gabriel A. Devenyi et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Learning from those who thrive: protective factors and neuroimaging markers in adolescents with complex congenital heart disease and with a favorable neurodevelopmental profile

Child Neuropsychology
2024-10-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Melanie Ehrler; Ruth O’Gorman; Flavia Maria Wehrle; Anna Speckert; Andras Jakab; Oliver Kretschmar; Beatrice Latal
Source: check_circle

Processing Speed Partially Mediates Executive Function Impairments in Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease: Results from a Prospective Cohort Study

The Journal of Pediatrics
2024-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0022-3476
Contributors: Alenka S. Schmid; Melanie Ehrler; Nadja Naef; Oliver Kretschmar; Valentin Rousson; Ruth Tuura; Flavia M. Wehrle; Beatrice Latal
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Heart rate variability and cognitive functions in adolescents with complex congenital heart disease

Pediatric Research
2024-07-30 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0031-3998
Part of ISSN: 1530-0447
Contributors: Asuka Toyofuku; Melanie Ehrler; Nadja Naef; Alenka S. Schmid; Oliver Kretschmar; Beatrice Latal; Ruth O’Gorman Tuura
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Stress Markers, Executive Functioning, and Resilience Among Early Adolescents With Complex Congenital Heart Disease

JAMA Network Open
2024-02-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2574-3805
Contributors: Lilian von Werdt; Tina M. Binz; Ruth Tuura O’Gorman; Alenka Schmid; Nadja Naef; Valentin Rousson; Oliver Kretschmar; Rabia Liamlahi; Bea Latal; Melanie Ehrler
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

The cumulative impact of clinical risk on brain networks and associations with executive function impairments in adolescents with congenital heart disease

2023-12-09 | Preprint
Contributors: Melanie Ehrler; Anna Speckert; Oliver Kretschmar; Ruth Tuura O’Gorman; Beatrice Latal; Andras Jakab
Source: check_circle

Multimodal personalised executive function intervention (E-Fit) for school-aged children with complex congenital heart disease: protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility study

BMJ Open
2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Alenka Sarah Schmid; Melanie Ehrler; Flavia Wehrle; Ruth O'Gorman Tuura; Oliver Kretschmar; Markus Landolt; Beatrice Latal
Source: check_circle

Mental health-related quality of life in mothers of children with surgically repaired congenital heart disease: a 13-year longitudinal study

Quality of Life Research
2023-05-30 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0962-9343
Part of ISSN: 1573-2649
Contributors: Melanie Ehrler; Corina Wettach; Ingrid Beck; Emanuela R. Valsangiacomo Buechel; Beatrice Latal; Markus A. Landolt
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Social cognition and behavioral outcomes in congenital heart disease: profiles and neuropsychiatric comorbidities

Child Neuropsychology
2023-04-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0929-7049
Part of ISSN: 1744-4136
Contributors: Melanie Ehrler; David C. Bellinger; Adam Cassidy; Jane W. Newburger; Johanna Calderon
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Counting on random number generation: Uncovering mild executive dysfunction in congenital heart disease

Brain and Cognition
2023-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0278-2626
Contributors: Ladina Schlosser; Nadja Naef; Melanie Ehrler; Flavia Wehrle; Matthias Greutmann; Angela Oxenius; Ruth Tuura; Beatrice Latal; Peter Brugger
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

White Matter Microstructural Alterations and Functional Correlates in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease

2022 | Dissertation or Thesis
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

White matter microstructure and executive functions in congenital heart disease from childhood to adulthood: A pooled case–control study

Child Neuropsychology
2022-11-14 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0929-7049
Part of ISSN: 1744-4136
Contributors: Melanie Ehrler; Melanie Ehrler; Peter Brugger; Matthias Greutmann; Ladina Schlosser; Flavia Wehrle; Rabia Liamlahi; Nadja Naef; Oliver Kretschmar; Ruth O'Gorman et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Perioperative course and socioeconomic status predict long-term neurodevelopment better than perioperative conventional neuroimaging in children with congenital heart disease

The Journal of Pediatrics
2022-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0022-3476
Contributors: Melanie Ehrler
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Mental sequelae of the COVID-19 pandemic in children with and without complex medical histories and their parents: well-being prior to the outbreak and at four time-points throughout 2020 and 2021

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
2022-07-22 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1018-8827
Part of ISSN: 1435-165X
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Microstructural alterations of the corticospinal tract are associated with poor motor function in patients with severe congenital heart disease

NeuroImage: Clinical
2021 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2213-1582
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Mental sequelae of the Covid-19 pandemic: Well-being one year into the crisis in children with and without complex medical histories and their parents

2021-12-05 | Preprint
Contributors: Melanie Ehrler; Cornelia F. Hagmann; Oliver Kretschmar; Markus A. Landolt; Beatrice Latal; Flavia M. Wehrle
Source: check_circle

Congenital heart disease in school-aged children: Cognition, education, and participation in leisure activities

Pediatric Research
2021-12-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0031-3998
Part of ISSN: 1530-0447
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Cognitive and Executive Function in Congenital Heart Disease: A Meta-analysis

2021-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0031-4005
Part of ISSN: 1098-4275
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on children with and without risk for neurodevelopmental impairments

Acta Paediatrica
2021-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Melanie Ehrler; Isabelle Werninger; Barbara Schnider; Dominique A. Eichelberger; Nadja Naef; Vera Disselhoff; Oliver Kretschmar; Cornelia F. Hagmann; Beatrice Latal; Flavia M. Wehrle
Source: check_circle

Altered white matter microstructure is related to cognition in adults with congenital heart disease

Brain Communications
2021-01-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Melanie Ehrler; Ladina Schlosser; Peter Brugger; Matthias Greutmann; Angela Oxenius; Raimund Kottke; Ruth O’Gorman Tuura; Beatrice Latal
Source: check_circle

Altered frontal white matter microstructure is associated with working memory impairments in adolescents with congenital heart disease: A diffusion tensor imaging study

NeuroImage: Clinical
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Melanie Ehrler; Beatrice Latal; Oliver Kretschmar; Michael von Rhein; Ruth O'Gorman Tuura
Source: check_circle

Social and Behavioral Difficulties in 10-Year-Old Children With Congenital Heart Disease: Prevalence and Risk Factors

Frontiers in Pediatrics
2020-12-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2296-2360
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Reducing Amygdala Activity and Phobic Fear through Cognitive Top–Down Regulation

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
2020-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0898-929X
Part of ISSN: 1530-8898
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Pitfalls of using IQ short forms in neurodevelopmental disorders: a study in patients with congenital heart disease

Pediatric Research
2020-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0031-3998
Part of ISSN: 1530-0447
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Executive function and brain development in adolescents with severe congenital heart disease (Teen Heart Study): protocol of a prospective cohort study

BMJ Open
2019-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2044-6055
Part of ISSN: 2044-6055
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Ehrler

Peer review (2 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Public health. (1)
Review activity for Quality of life research. (1)