Personal information
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Born in Alzey, Germany 1946
Abitur in Alzey 1966
1966 Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankurt a.M.; from 1968 Westfälische-Wilhems Universität in Münster i.W.: studies in Sociology, Philosophy, Publizistik, and Protestant Theology
1971 MA Protestant Theology
1975 Ph.D. in Sociology, Thesis on Professionalization of protestant Ministers
1980-82 Member of Anselm Strauss' research team in San Francisco
Research on Time and Chronic Illness
1982 Habilitation in Sociology, University of Bielefeld (Time and Chronic Illness)
1984-86 Heisenberg Stipendiat of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
1986-92 Professor of Medical Sociology at the Centre of Psychosomatic Medicine, University of Giessen
1994-99 Professor of General Sociology at the TU Berlin
from 1992 on teaching assignments at Vienna University, Institute of Advanced Studies, Vienna, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, University of South Stockholm,
1999-2013 Professor of Sociology at the Dept of Social Work, University of Kassel
after emeritation still active in academic teaching, giving exams, and publications
Father of Nils (b. 1975), Joel (b. 1981), Klara Milla (b. 2013); grandfather of Lasse and Lukas.