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Works (2)

A Novel Hybrid Quantum-Classical Framework for an In-Vehicle Controller Area Network Intrusion Detection

IEEE Access
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: M Sabbir Salek; Pronab Kumar Biswas; Jacquan Pollard; Jordyn Hales; Zecheng Shen; Vivek Dixit; Mashrur Chowdhury; Sakib Mahmud Khan; Yao Wang
Source: check_circle

Development and Evaluation of Statistical and Machine-Learning Models for Queue-Length Estimation for Lane Closures in Freeway Work Zones

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
2023-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Pronab Kumar Biswas; Sakib Mahmud Khan; Kalyan Piratla; Mashrur Chowdhury
Source: check_circle