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Works (4)

Within-person reciprocal links between stress, sleep, and depressive symptoms across Latino/a adolescents’ transition to and through college

Development and Psychopathology
2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Jeri Sasser; Emma K. Lecarie; Michaela S. Gusman; Leah D. Doane
Source: check_circle

Does stress predict the development of internalizing symptoms in middle childhood? An examination of additive, mediated, and moderated effects of early family stress, daily interpersonal stress, and physiological stress.

Developmental Psychology
2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Emma K. Lecarie; Leah D. Doane; Catherine B. Stroud; Devan Walter; Mary C. Davis; Kevin J. Grimm; Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant
Source: check_circle

The onset of pubertal development and actigraphy-assessed sleep during middle childhood: Racial, gender, and genetic effects

Sleep Health
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Emma K. Lecarie; Leah D. Doane; Sierra Clifford; Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant
Source: check_circle

Psychological well-being of ruminative adolescents during the transition to COVID-19 school closures: An EMA study

Journal of Adolescence
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Caroline M. Swords; Emma K. Lecarie; Leah D. Doane; Lori M. Hilt
Source: check_circle