Personal information
João Crisóstomo Weyl Albuquerque Costa got PhD in Electrical Engineering - Telecommunications - State University of Campinas (1994). In 1994 he joined UFPA, where currently he is a full professor at the Faculty of Computer Engineering Institute of Technology. Since 1994 he is also a CNPq researcher. He was the coordinator of the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering. Research Director and coordinator of PIBIC UFPA. From 2007 -2010 he was Deputy Secretary for Development, Science and Technology - SEDECT. He was President of the Brazilian Microwave and Optoelectronics Society 2012-2014, (Vice President 2010-2012). Works as a researcher in the Graduate Computer Science Program and the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering in the areas of communications networks, applied computing, and applied electromagnetics, with interest in modeling of high-frequency devices, performance evaluation of communication networks, mobile optical access networks, and communication solutions for monitoring of systems using these áreas. Coordinated and participated in several funded projects (CNPq, FINEP, CAPES, SECTAM) and public and private companies (Ericsson, BRASILSAT, RedeCelpa Eletronorte TBE). He is co-author of two international patents. He was the first Vice-Chancellor pro tempore of the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará August 2013-February 2016. He is the coordinator of the National Institute of Science and Technology - Sensor and Optical Network.