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United States


Education and qualifications (1)

University of California Santa Cruz: Santa Cruz, CA, US

2011-09 to 2020-10 | PhD (Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Robert A. Sommer

Works (3)

Cell growth and nutrient availability control the mitotic exit signaling network in budding yeast

Journal of Cell Biology
2024-08-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael A. Talavera; Beth E. Prichard; Robert A. Sommer; Ricardo M. Leitao; Christopher J. Sarabia; Semin Hazir; Joao A. Paulo; Steven P. Gygi; Douglas R. Kellogg
Source: check_circle

Cell growth and nutrient availability control the mitotic exit signaling network in budding yeast

2023-08-04 | Preprint
Contributors: Rafael A. Talavera; Beth E. Prichard; Robert A. Sommer; Ricardo M. Leitao; Christopher J. Sarabia; Semin Hazir; Joao A. Paulo; Steven P. Gygi; Douglas R. Kellogg
Source: check_circle

Growth-dependent signals drive an increase in early G1 cyclin concentration to link cell cycle entry with cell growth

2020-10-01 | Preprint
Source: Self-asserted source
Robert A. Sommer
Preferred source (of 2)‎