Personal information
Maria Teresa Ribeiro Pereira is currently a full-time associate professor and Coordinator of the Industrial& management Engineeering research area of the INEGI-LAETA, research center of mechanical engineering. She is the director of the postgraduation in Industry 4.0 and Digital transformation; sub-director of the master course of Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering, and the master course of Industrial Engineering & management of ISEP. She holds a Production Management Engineering degree from Minho University, a Master course in Information Management from Sheffield University, and a PhD. In Operational Management from Minho University. She worked 8 years in the industry and has a 33 years’ experience teaching a Professor of Operational Research, Decision Support models, Operations Research, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Distribution and Transportation in several courses of IPP. She Guided more than 100 masters’ theses. She is supervising 2 Ph.D thesis. She was the PI/coordinator of the KA 588409-EPP-1-2017-PT-EPPKA2-KA project and participated in several projects/researches, and national and international projects with companies, which resulted in several publications/communications. She reviewed several scientific papers for international journals (
Employment (8)
Education and qualifications (4)
Professional activities (2)
Funding (5)