Personal information

Africa, Rice improvement, Molecular Biology, Breeding, Rural development , Biotechnology


Name: Baboucarr Manneh

Position Title, Institution: Irrigated Rice Breeder & Coordinator of STRASA and GSR Projects in Africa at Africa Rice Center

Education: PhD
In this order: year, institution, major
Ph.D. 2004 Wageningen University, Netherlands (PhD Plant
Breeding and Crop Physiology)
M.Sc. 1998: Wageningen University, Netherlands (MSc. Crop Science,
specialization Crop Breeding
B.Sc. 1993: Njala University College, University of Sierra Leone (BSc.
Agriculture General)

Professional positions held since terminal degree:
• 2013 - Present: Irrigated Rice Breeder & Coordinator of STRASA and GSR Projects in Africa
• 01/ 2010 – Present: Principal Scientist and Irrigated Lowland Rice Breeder at Africa Rice Center
• 01/ 2008 – Present: STRASA-Africa Coordinator
• 01/2008-12/2009 – Molecular Biologist Abiotic Stress Tolerance
• 08/2005 – 12/2007: Post-Doctoral Fellow in Africa Rice Center
• 01/2005 – 07/2005: Director of Research, NARI, The Gambia
• 07/2004 – 07/2005: Programme Leader Seed and Biotechnology Unit, NARI, The Gambia
• 05/2004 – 07/2005: Programme Leader of Cereal Research Unit, NARI, The Gambia

Major research activities (past 5 years):
List here briefly your major research activities and areas of expertise (not more than 5 bullet points)
• Developing and disseminating new irrigated lowland rice varieties in West and Central Africa.
• Coordinating project aimed at developing and disseminating rice varieties tolerant to drought, salinity, cold, submergence and iron toxicity in Sub-Saharan Africa.
• QTL search for cold and salinity tolerance in rice
• Marker-Assisted selection to transfer QTLs/genes for salinity, cold, shattering, blast and anaerobic germination tolerance into African mega-varieties of rice
• QTL discovery for drought in rice


Employment (1)

Africa Rice Center: Saint Louis, CI

2010-01-02 to present | • Principal Scientist and Head of Irrigated Lowland Rice Breeding unit (Genetic Diversity and Improvement )
Source: Self-asserted source
Baboucarr Manneh