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Biodiversity, Flora, Conservation biology, Climate change, Systematics botany, Weed Science, Environmental Science, Carbon sequestration, Biomass


Dr. Paul Musili is a senior research scientist at the National Museums of Kenya, studied MSc. in botany at Kenyatta University, Kenya and graduated in 2008. He received PhD in systematic botany from the University of New England, Australia in 2013. He has research interests in biodiversity conservation research, Agroforestry, ecology, plants and microbial diversity. His current research focus on the systematics in plant species, Carbon biomass surveys, ecosystem restoration (Savanna and mangrove). Dr. Musili has been active in global species conservation initiatives such IUCN Redlisting for endangered endemic tree species in Kenya: He is the Principal Investigator (PI) for Smithsonian Centre for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS), 120 ha Savanna plot located at Mpala Kenya: Musili is also engaged with Chyulu Hills REDD+ Project in Kenya's Chyulu Hills Ecosystem; as a lead botanist in ongoing carbon biomass survey. He is a member of the East African Plant Red list Authority, the IUCN Expert Assessment Group for Green List in Kenya among others.