Personal information


Employment (1)

Institute of Oncology NN Petrov: Saint Petersburg, RU

2017-09 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Павел Гришко

Works (12)

Possibilities of imaging methods in the diagnosis of soft tissue tumors: a review

Diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy
2025-01-28 | Journal article
Contributors: E. A. Busko; E. S. Lyubimskaya; K. V. Kozubova; R. A.  Kadyrleev; T. N.  Trofimova; E. V. Kostromina; P. Yu. Grishko; G. V.  Zinovev; O. I.  Baykalova; S. L.  Trofimov et al.
Source: check_circle

Medical visualization in pregnancy: indications, limitations and prospects,Показания, ограничения и возможности применения методов лучевой диагностики у беременных женщин

Medical Visualization
2024 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 24089516 16070763
Contributors: Pavlovskaya, E.A.; Bagnenko, S.S.; Burovik, I.A.; Busko, E.A.; Tiatkov, S.A.; Grishko, P.Yu.; Berlev, I.V.
Source: Self-asserted source
Павел Гришко via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Efficiency of MRI in the Diagnostic of Esophageal Cancer in Comparison with CT and Endoscopic Ultrasound

Journal of oncology: diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy
2024-12-26 | Journal article
Contributors: N. I. Mutovkina; V. M. Cheremisin; I. G. Kamyshanskaya; A. V. Mishchenko; A. V. Zakharova; P. Yu. Grishko; S. L. Trofimov; A. N. Sidorova; N. V. Marchenko
Source: check_circle

A Rare Case Report: Cavernous Hemangioma of the Breast. Ultrasound and Mammography Features, Challenges in Differential Diagnosis,Редкое клиническое наблюдение: кавернозная гемангиома молочной железы. Особенности ультразвуковой и рентгенологической картины, сложности дифференциального диагноза

Voprosy Onkologii
2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 05073758
Contributors: Busko, E.A.; Lyubimskaya, E.S.; Kozubova, K.V.; Smirnova, V.O.; Artemeva, A.S.; Kostromina, E.V.; Kadyrleev, R.A.; Kurganskaya, I.Kh.; Grishko, P.Yu.; Zinovev, G.V. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Павел Гришко via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Intervention Beyond Total Mesorectal Excision in Rectal Cancer: Is Laparoscopic Approach Justified?,Вмешательство за пределами тотальной мезоректумэктомии при раке прямой кишки: оправдан ли лапароскопический доступ?

Voprosy Onkologii
2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 05073758
Contributors: Karachun, A.M.; Samsonov, D.V.; Grishko, P.Yu.
Source: Self-asserted source
Павел Гришко via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Тerminology of rectal cancer: consensus agreement of the expert working group

Digital Diagnostics
2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 27128962 27128490
Contributors: Berezovskaya, T.P.; Rubtsova, N.A.; Sinitsyn, V.E.; Zarodnyuk, I.V.; Nudnov, N.V.; Mishchenko, A.V.; Trubacheva, Y.L.; Bergen, T.A.; Grishko, P.Yu.; Balyasnikova, S.S. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Павел Гришко via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Determining Prognostic Factors for Cervical Cancer IB2-IIB Stages after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

Journal of oncology: diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy
2022-12-14 | Journal article
Contributors: A. S. Mamontova; O. A. Smirnova; P. Yu. Grishko; A. O. Nyuganen; A. V. Kulish; S. A. Tyatkov; V. V. Gridasov; S. S. Bagnenko; I. V. Berlev; A. V. Mishchenko
Source: check_circle

Treatment monitoring of locally advanced rectal cancer based on multiparametric magnetic resonance tomography

Pelvic Surgery and Oncology
2020-08-29 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2686-9594
Part of ISSN: 2413-0583
Contributors: Павел Гришко; P. Yu. Grishko; A. V. Mishchenko; O. V. Ivko; D. V. Samsonov; A. M. Karachun
Source: Self-asserted source
Павел Гришко

Possibilities of multi-parametric magnetic resonance tomography in the assessment of neoadjuvant treatment of rectal cancer

Diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy
2020-02-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2079-5343
Contributors: Павел Гришко; Pavel Yu. Grishko; A. V. Mishchenko; O. V. Ivko; D. V. Samsonov; A. M. Karachun
Source: Self-asserted source
Павел Гришко

Prognostic value of post-radiation regression I of locally advanced rectal cancer

Voprosy Onkologii
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 05073758
Contributors: Samsonov, D.V.; Karachun, A.M.; Pravosudov, I.V.; Ivko, O.V.; Grishko, P.Yu.; Tyuryaeva, E.I.; Sinenchenko, G.I.
Source: Self-asserted source
Павел Гришко via Scopus - Elsevier


Diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy
2019-08-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2079-5343
Contributors: Павел Гришко; P. Yu. Grishko; A. V. Mishchenko; Y. A. Grinfeld; D. V. Samsonov; A. M. Karachun
Source: Self-asserted source
Павел Гришко

Contemporary view to the principles of rectal cancer diagnostics and treatment according to MRI (literature review)

Medical Visualization
2019-07-16 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2408-9516
Part of ISSN: 1607-0763
Contributors: Павел Гришко; P. Yu. Grishko; S. S. Balyasnikova; D. V. Samsonov; A. V. Mishchenko; A. M. Karachun; I. V. Pravosudov
Source: Self-asserted source
Павел Гришко
Preferred source (of 2)‎