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Dr. Sutrisn o, S.Pd., M.Pd.,. Completed bachelor degree at Muhammadiyah Ponorogo University in 2008-2012, Yogyakarta State University Masters degree in 2014-2016, and finally continued his PhD at the Indonesian University of Education in 2017-2021 with each tertiary level majoring in Citizenship Education.
The author is a Lecturer in the Pancasila and Citizenship Education study program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo from 2015 until now.
Some of the training histories that have been attended include 1) BIMTEK Strengthening the Competence of Pancasila Education Lecturers in 2017 by Ristekdikti; 2) 2017 Instructional Technique Basic Skill Improvement Training by LLDIKTI Region VII; 3) 2018 Accredited Journal Management Assistance by Ristekdikti; 4) Training of Trainers for Lecturers of Anti-Corruption Education in 2021 by LLDIKTI Region VII; 5) Training for Trainers to Strengthen National Values for Lecturers in 2021 by the Indonesian National Defense Institute. 6) Training and Certification of Targeted Selection Interview PPG Assessors in 2022 by the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel KEMENDIKBUDRISTEK.