Personal information

child sexual abuse, child sexual assault, CSA, sexual abuse prevention, parenting
United Kingdom, Australia


My research interests lie in examining the influence of parenting on child outcomes with particular focus on the prevention of child sexual abuse. My work involves rethinking the focus of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention, highlighting the role that parents can play via the creation of safe environments and positive parenting.

My current project involves the development of the Parents as Protectors (PaP) CSA prevention module, to be piloted and evaluated with at-risk parents at Griffith University. Collaborators to the PaP project include eminent global CSA experts and community organisations.

I have been awarded three grants, totalling AU$324,824, to develop, implement and evaluate Parents as Protectors.


Employment (3)

University of Greenwich: London, GB

Source: check_circle
University of Greenwich

University of Greenwich: London, GB

2022-06-20 to present | Post doctoral research fellow (Institute of Lifecourse Development)
Source: Self-asserted source
Julia I Rudolph

Griffith University: Southport, QLD, AU

2020-11-25 to 2022-06-03 | Post doctoral research fellow (Applied Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Julia I Rudolph

Education and qualifications (1)

Griffith University: Gold Coast, QLD, AU

2018 | PhD (School of Applied Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Julia I Rudolph

Professional activities (4)

University of the Sunshine Coast: Sunshine Coast, Queensland, AU

2021 to present | Adjunct Member (Sexual Violence Research and Prevention Unit)
Source: Self-asserted source
Julia I Rudolph

Bravehearts: Gold Coast, Qld, AU

2021 to present | Panel Member (Bravehearts Executive Research Panel)
Source: Self-asserted source
Julia I Rudolph

Australasian Human Development Association Conference: Brisbane, AU

2021 | People's Choice Award for Most Interesting Findings
Source: Self-asserted source
Julia I Rudolph

Griffith University: Gold Coast, QLD, AU

2018 | Academic Excellence for PhD thesis (Applied Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Julia I Rudolph

Peer review (4 reviews for 3 publications/grants)

Review activity for International journal on child maltreatment. (1)
Review activity for Journal of child and family studies. (2)
Review activity for Sexuality research and social policy. (1)