Personal information

Sustainability, Climate Change, Co-development, Convergence
United States


Recently graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a double B.S. in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability and Environmental and Resource Economics. Current Rural Sociology master's student at Auburn University studying the adoption of climate-smart technologies among Alabama row crop producers and Alabama Cooperative Extension stakeholders. Interested in pursuing careers in local food distribution and sustainable project management.


Employment (3)

UNH Spatial and Applied Lab: Durham, NH, US

2019 to 2020 | Intern (Remote Sensing )
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

UNH Cooperative Extension: Durham, NH, US

2018 to 2019 | Intern (Community and Economic Development )
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

Foodlink: Rochester, New York, US

2018 to 2018 | Intern (Urban Farming)
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

Education and qualifications (3)

Auburn University: Auburn, AL, US

2020 to 2022 | Master's student (Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology )
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

University of New Hampshire: Durham, NH, US

2016-08 to 2020-05 | Environmental Conservation and Sustainability (Natural Resources and the Environment )
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

University of New Hampshire: Durham, NH, US

2016-08 to 2020-05 | Environmental and Resource Economics (Natural Resources and the Environment )
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

Professional activities (2)

Phi Sigma Biological Honors Society: Durham, NH, US

Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

Phi Beta Kappa Society: Washington D.C., District of Columbia, US

Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

Funding (1)

Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center, NSF Traineeship

2020 to 2022 | Grant
NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) (National Science Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

Works (5)

Climate-Based Convergence Strategies To Facilitate Sustainable Learning Among Row Crop Producers And Agricultural Stakeholders

Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education: “Mediterranean Agriculture, Food and Environment”
2022-04-05 | Conference poster
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

Co-Developing Climate-Smart Strategies for Alabama Row Crop Producers and Agricultural Stakeholders

Rural Sociological Society- Association of Southern Agricultural Scientists
2022-02-14 | Conference poster
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

Identifying the Climate-Smart Needs and Opportunities of Alabama Row Crop Producers

College of Agriculture Graduate Student Poster Showcase
2021-10 | Conference poster
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

Climate Speaks: A Discourse Analysis of Media Depictions of Climate Change and Agriculture

Spring Earth Day Conference
2021-04 | Conference poster
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart

Climate Resiliency: The Co-development of Knowledge for Adapting Sustainable Practices Among Alabama Row Crop Farmers

Geologic Society of America
2020-04 | Conference poster
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Stewart