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Alex Todhunter-Brown (formerly Pollock). Alex has particular expertise relating to systematic reviews of complex interventions, leading methodological work, completing and supporting systematic reviews across the unit. She is joint Co-ordinating editor with the Cochrane Stroke Group and an author on 11 Cochrane systematic reviews, 2 Cochrane overviews and multiple other peer-reviewed evidence syntheses. She has published papers relating to methods for complex systematic reviews and overviews, including work relating to the use of GRADE in overviews.
Alex has an active interest in active and meaningful public involvement in research, with a particular focus on involvement in evidence syntheses. She was the invited lead author of a chapter on involving stakeholders in systematic reviews for the 2021 Guideline International Network (GIN) Toolkit. She led the ACTIVE project, funded by Cochrane Training, aimed at supporting review authors have meaningful involvement of patients and the public in systematic reviews. This project involved reviewing evidence relating to stakeholder involvement in systematic reviews and developing the content of Cochrane’s Involving People resource.
Employment (8)
Education and qualifications (2)
Professional activities (16)
Funding (21)
TSA 2012/09
TSAJRTF 2011/02
TSA 2010/02