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Belgin Uğurlu was born on 04.07.1985 in the Lüleburgaz district of Kırklareli. She started primary school in Gümüşhane (central) Gazi Osman Paşa Primary School and completed her education at Cumhuriyet Primary School in Vize district of Kırklareli province. She completed his secondary education at Lüleburgaz Central Secondary School, and her high school education at Lüleburgaz High School Foreign Language Intensive Program. She started her undergraduate education at Çukurova University, Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, Department of Architecture in 2003 and graduated in January 2008.During his undergraduate education, she participated in the archaeological excavations of the ancient port city of Kelenderis, located in Aydıncık district of Mersin province, for a season, as a volunteer student, and took part in the technical drawings of the odeon ruins and basilica ruins. Between 2008-2010, she worked as designer at Turgut Toydemir Piramit Architecture Ltd. Şti. in Istanbul for 2 years. Between 2010 and 2011, she worked as the site manager at Lüleburgaz Koncalar İnşaat A.Ş. In 2011, she opened her office named BA Architecture, Renovation and Decoration in Lüleburgaz. By moving his company to Istanbul in 2012, Teo Yapı, Restoration, Construction and Automotive Ltd. in Istanbul. Sti. she worked as a restoration site manager in the firm. After closed her office named BA Architecture, Renovation and Decoration in 2013, between 2013-2015, she worked as a design team manager in the company which has been serving in the architectural project, renovation, decoration, graphic design and advertising sector Blackart Design Advertising and Consulting Ltd. Şti. in İstanbul. In 2015, she worked at Mimart Architecture Office in Lüleburgaz for 8 months. As of April 2016, she has been working as a contracted architect responsible for project drawing, writing and execution in the EU Project Service of the Directorate of Technical Works of the Vize Municipality.