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Works (2)

Performance of Lung Cancer Prediction Models for Screening-detected, Incidental, and Biopsied Pulmonary Nodules

Radiology: Artificial Intelligence
2025-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Thomas Z. Li; Kaiwen Xu; Aravind Krishnan; Riqiang Gao; Michael N. Kammer; Sanja Antic; David Xiao; Michael Knight; Yency Martinez; Rafael Paez et al.
Source: check_circle

Age-related Muscle Fat Infiltration in Lung Screening Participants: Impact of Smoking Cessation

2023-12-05 | Preprint
Contributors: Kaiwen Xu; Thomas Z. Li; James G. Terry; Aravind R. Krishnan; Stephen A. Deppen; Yuankai Huo; Fabien Maldonado; J. Jeffrey Carr; Bennett A. Landman; Kim L. Sandler
Source: check_circle