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Professional Career:
since 03/1999 Chair of Comparative Literature at the University of Erfurt (Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft).
1997/1998 replacement teaching chair for German Literature at Philipps-University of Marburg
06/1996 Habilitation (postgraduate professoral qualification) at Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder, venia legendi: German Literature, Comparative Literature.
04/1995 – 02/1999 Assistant Prof. at Western European Literature and Coordination of the graduate program Repräsentation. Rhetorik. Wissen (funded by DFG) at the Europa-University Viadrina, Frankfurt/ Oder.
10/1992 – 09/1993 Visiting Professor at the Institute for German Literature at the J.W. Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main.
1988 – 09/1995 Assistant Prof. at German Literature and Coordination of the graduate program Theorie der Literatur (funded by DFG) at the University of Konstanz .
01/1988 doctoral thesis in Literature and Philosophy at the University of Konstanz Promotion (summa cum laude).
Since Oct. 1976 Studies of Philosophy and Ger¬ma¬n Literature at Universität Konstanz, till April 1982 MA and „Staatsexamen“, grade: 1,0.
Sept. 74 – June1976 attendance at Städtisches Gymnasium Köln, Abitur (general qualification for University Entrance): grade: 1,3.
1969-74 in Barcelona (Spain) attendance at Colegio Alemán San Alberto Magno.
Fellowships, Awards, Gastaufenthalte:
1.10.2020-31.9. 2021: Senior Research-Fellowship at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald [project: translation and the language(s) of the other(s)]
1.3. 2020 - 30.6. 2020: IFK Wien Senior-Fellowship (project: Babbel, “Kauderwelsch”, and the exophonic)).
1.10. 2015-31.9. 2016: Senior Research Fellow at Kulturwissenschaftlichen Kolleg (exc.16), Universität Konstanz (project: „The Agones and the Theatre: Fleeing and the scene“)
1.10. 2010 – 31.3. 2011: Senior Research Fellowship at IKKM: Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar [project: signs and wrinting at the margin(s)]
10/2010: DAAD-Guest-Lecturer in Santiago de Chile, at Universidad de Chile
09/2006 – 01/2007: Max Kade Visiting Professor at UC Santa Barbara
1995/96 DFG postdoctoral fellowship (funded by Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft) qualification).
1988 Prize for the doctoral thesis awarded by the city of Konstanz.
1984 - 1986 Grant for Gra¬duates of the state of Baden-Wür¬temberg.
1976-1978 Student‘s-Grant „Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes“.
2005 – 2014 speaker of the graduate program Mediale Historiographien (Media of History. History of Media, funded by DFG: Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinshaft) at the University of Erfurt.
2008-2011 member of the directorate the Graduate-School “Religion in Modernization Processes” (funded by the state of Thüringen), speaker of the group „Übertragungen: Medien und Religion“ (transfers and transmissions. media and religion).
memberships: German Society for Comparative Literature (DGAVL) (Panel-organization in 2023, Potsdam); American Comparative Literature Association, International Walter Benjamin Society (Member of the General Board of the International Walter Benjamin Association since 1997 Amsterdam, since 2006 Berlin; refounded, renamed 2009): Panel-Organizations at the International Conferences in Berlin 2006, Antwerpen 2008, Princeton 2010).
Member of the Auswahlkomission des DAAD Programm ISTAP (2005 – 2009).
Member of the „Forschungsgruppe: Kulturtechniken der Verräulichung“, and the „Forschungsgruppe: Kulturtechniken des Sammelns“ (2016 – 2024) (funded by the University of Erfurt, and the state of Thüringen).
Member of the DFG Netzwerk Versammeln (lead by Dr. Julia Prager TU Dresden) termed till 2024.