Personal information
Clement TEMANEH NYAH has held faculty positions in academic institutions from 1996 to present. During his professional career in education, he has made contributions to the field of Telecommunication engineering spanning: Mobile Communications Networks (Modelling, Analysis, design and performance analysis and Electromagnetic Compatibility). Apart from lecturing full time undergraduate students at the University of Dschang, Cameroon, University of Swaziland and University of Namibia where he is currently employed, Professor Clement TEMANEH NYAH has also served as Part-Time Lecturer with the National Polytechnic of Bamenda, Cameroon and the Polytechnic of Namibia, in addition he has served and is still serving in many institutional research committees and as a reviewer for a number of international journals and conferences publications. Alongside the purely academic tasks, I have also had to assume administrative duties in some of these institutions, which I have always executed with pleasure and to the utter satisfaction of the hierarchy. Prof. TEMANEH NYAH is dedicated, level-headed and a calm team player with proven professional skills with a personal commitment to excellence. He also has the valuable quality of being experienced and successful working with diversity. He possesses excellent communication and Academic leadership skills; and brings into the workplace the strengths of an international career with proven teaching, research, Examination of thesis, curriculum development as well as assessment of foreign qualifications submitted to Engineering Council of Namibia. He’s the author/co-author of multiple refereed journal/conference papers and scientific articles.
Works (16)