Personal information

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Employment (1)

Bangalore Institute of Technology: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, IN

2000-10-30 to present | Professor and Head of the Department (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Aswathappa P

Education and qualifications (3)

University of Allahabad: Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India, IN

2012-07-01 to 2016-09-30 | PhD (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Aswathappa P

UVCE: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, IN

1996-10-03 to 1999-07-30 | Power Electronics (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Aswathappa P

Bangalore Institute of Technology: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, IN

1988-09-01 to 1993-03-30 | Electronics and Instrumentation (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Aswathappa P