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Works (3)

Demystifying Graph Databases: Analysis and Taxonomy of Data Organization, System Designs, and Graph Queries

ACM Computing Surveys
2024-02-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Maciej Besta; Robert Gerstenberger; Emanuel Peter; Marc Fischer; MichaƂ Podstawski; Claude Barthels; Gustavo Alonso; Torsten Hoefler
Source: check_circle

High-Performance and Programmable Attentional Graph Neural Networks with Global Tensor Formulations

2023-11-12 | Conference paper
Contributors: Maciej Besta; Pawel Renc; Robert Gerstenberger; Paolo Sylos Labini; Alexandros Ziogas; Tiancheng Chen; Lukas Gianinazzi; Florian Scheidl; Kalman Szenes; Armon Carigiet et al.
Source: check_circle

The Graph Database Interface: Scaling Online Transactional and Analytical Graph Workloads to Hundreds of Thousands of Cores

2023-11-12 | Conference paper
Contributors: Maciej Besta; Robert Gerstenberger; Marc Fischer; Michal Podstawski; Nils Blach; Berke Egeli; Georgy Mitenkov; Wojciech Chlapek; Marek Michalewicz; Hubert Niewiadomski et al.
Source: check_circle