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Works (18)

The Ethical Repercussions of Chatting with CHATGPT: Multiple Language Learners on an English-Based Playing Field

2024-03-06 | Conference paper
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

A Patchwork Quilt: A Covid-Induced Innovation

2022-07-06 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 2340-1117
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Perceptions of Ethics in Persuasive User Interfaces

International Conference on Persuasive Technology
2021 | Conference paper | Writing - review & editing
Contributors: Catherine Beaton; C. Branch; M. McQuaid
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Distance Learning as a Levelling Tool for People with Disabilities

2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence
2019 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Situative Learning

2019-03 | Conference paper
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Moral Social Media Decision-Making in an Instant-Gratification Society: Do Users Care

2017 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Can You Read What I'm Saying? Closed Captions Added to Molly Open Source Online Lecture System

International Conference on e-Learning, Learning Methodologies, and Education.
2016 | Conference paper | Writing - review & editing
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Do We Owe Them: The Impact of e-Learning on DIsadvantaged Communities

ECEL 2012 Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on eLearning,
2014 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Wisdom of Crowds or Mob Mentality

European Conference on Social Media
2014 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Do We Owe Them? The Impact of eLearning on Disadvantaged Communities

European Conference on e-learning
2012 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Comparative Analysis of Real Time Text Generation and Information Display Methods: Adaption of Emerging Technologies for Enhancement of Educational Access

International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation,
2009 | Conference paper | Writing - review & editing
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Creative Ways to Teach Ethics and Assess Learning

2009 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
2009 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Timeliness, Technology, Terminology and Tact: Challenging Dynamics in Information Technology Environments

Deaf Professionals and Designated Interpreters: A New Paradigm
2008 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

IMA as a Tool for Accommodated Learning

International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems
2006 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Work In Progress: Tablet PC's as a Levelling Device for People with Disabilities

ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education
2006 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Course, Interrupted

ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education
2006-10 | Conference paper
Contributors: Catherine Beaton; Stephen Zilora
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Evolution of Ethics using Blended Learning

International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training
2005 | Conference paper
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton

Involving Consumers with Disabilities in Nova Scotia Reformed Health System: Challenges and Concerns

Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation
1997 | Journal article | Writing - review & editing
Contributors: Catherine Beaton
Source: Self-asserted source
Catherine Beaton