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Works (3)

Implementation of a Two-Level Programmable Cache Emulation and Test System

2024-09-30 | Conference paper
Contributors: Marcus Figorito; Vincent Michelini; Benjamin Reber; Alexander Kneipp; Matthew Gould; Chen Ding; Linlin Chen; Dorin Patru
Source: check_circle

A Computation Model to Estimate Interaction Intensity through Non-Verbal Behavioral Cues: A Case Study of Intimate Couples under the Impact of Acute Alcohol Consumption

ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare
2024-07-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhiwei Yu; Cory Crane; Linlin Chen; Maria Testa; Zhi Zheng
Source: check_circle

Cache Programming for Scientific Loops Using Leases

ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
2023-09-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Reber; Matthew Gould; Alexander H. Kneipp; Fangzhou Liu; Ian Prechtl; Chen Ding; Linlin Chen; Dorin Patru
Source: check_circle