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Employment (1)

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility: Grenoble, FR

2024-11-18 to present | Real-Time Software Engineer
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

Works (13)

Advanced control of ALPAO DMs leads to significant AO performance improvements

Adaptive Optics Systems IX
2024-08-27 | Conference paper
Contributors: Idir Boudjema; Baptiste Sinquin; Armin Schimpf; Hisham Forriere; Bruno Martin; Julien Charton
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

PAPYRUS: from an adaptive optics system to an instrumental platform

Adaptive Optics Systems IX
2024-08-27 | Conference paper
Contributors: Romain Fétick; Thierry Fusco; Arnaud Striffling; Eduard Muslimov; Jean-François Sauvage; Cédric Taïssir Héritier; Jonathan Dray; Sylvain Cetre; Vincent Chambouleyron; Idir Boudjema et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

Current status of PAPYRUS : the pyramid based adaptive optics system at LAM/OHP

Optical Instrument Science, Technology, and Applications II
2021-09-24 | Conference paper
Contributors: Eduard Muslimov; Nicolas Levraud; Vincent Chambouleyron; I. Boudjema; Alexis Lau; Amandine Caillat; Felipe Pedreros; Gilles Otten; Kacem El Hadi; Kelly Joaquina et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

Development of an integrated sub-picometric SWIFTS-based wavelength meter

SPIE Proceedings
2017-02-20 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0277-786X
Contributors: Céline Duchemin; Fabrice Thomas; Bruno Martin; Eric Morino; Renaud Puget; Robin Oliveres; Christophe Bonneville; Thierry Gonthiez; Nicolas Valognes
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

A fully static OCT sensor using a glass integrated optic chip bonded to a CCD linear camera

SPIE Proceedings
2015-02-27 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0277-786X
Contributors: A. Morand; A. Warzecha; E. Ghibaudo; F. Thomas; P. Benech; E. Le Coarer; R. Puget; C. Bonneville; B. Martin; C. Cassagnettes et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

High-performance high-speed spectrum analysis of laser sources with SWIFTS technology

SPIE Proceedings
2014-03-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0277-786X
Contributors: Fabrice Thomas; Mikhaël De Mengin; Céline Duchemin; Etienne Le Coarer; Christophe Bonneville; Thierry Gonthiez; Alain Morand; Pierre Benech; Jean-Baptiste Dherbecourt; Eléonore Hardy et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

SWIFTS: a groundbreaking integrated technology for high-performance spectroscopy and optical sensors

SPIE Proceedings
2013-03-13 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0277-786X
Contributors: Christophe Bonneville; Fabrice Thomas; Mikhael de Mengin Poirier; Etienne Le Coarer; Pierre Benech; Thierry Gonthiez; Alain Morand; Olivier Coutant; Eric Morino; Renaud Puget et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

Glass integrated optic Fourier transform spectrometer in the spectral bandwith 700-1000nm: process improvement

SPIE Proceedings
2013-03-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0277-786X
Contributors: A. Creux; A. Morand; P. Benech; B. Martin; G. Grosa; C. Cassagnettes; D. Barbier; E. Le Coarer
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

Compact static Fourier transform spectrometer in glass integrated optics in the NIR and visible domain

SPIE Proceedings
2012-02-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0277-786X
Contributors: A. Creux; A. Morand; P. Benech; B. Martin; G. Grosa; E. Le Coarer; P. Kern
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

Realization of a NIR compact static Fourier transform spectrometer in glass integrated optics

SPIE Proceedings
2010-02-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0277-786X
Contributors: B. Martin; A. Morand; L. Jocou; P. Benech; G. Grosa; E. Le Coarer; P. Kern
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

Study of propagation modes of bent waveguides and micro-ring resonators by means of the aperiodic Fourier modal method

SPIE Proceedings
2010-02-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0277-786X
Contributors: Davide Bucci; Bruno Martin; Alain Morand
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

A compact SWIFTS spectrograph with a leaky loop structure

SPIE Proceedings
2008-02-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0277-786X
Contributors: Bruno Martin; Alain Morand; Pierre Benech; Gregory Leblond; Sylvain Blaize; Gilles Lerondel; Etienne Lecoarer
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin

Compact add-and-drop and wavelength filter based on microdisk on SOI substrate

SPIE Proceedings
2006-02-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0277-786X
Contributors: Alain Morand; Kien Phan-Huy; Bruno Martin; Fanny Bredillot; David Amans; Pierre Benech; Jérémy Verbert; Emmanuel Hadji; Jean-Marc Fedeli
Source: Self-asserted source
Bruno Martin