Personal information
Mr. Sylvain POULAIN has been providing professional GIS services in France and Internationally including Mauritius since 2006 in the areas of:
- remote sensing,
- spatial analysis,
- drone survey and workflow,
- Internet of Things (IoT),
- programming,
- automation,
- Big Data,
- GIS training,
- Database management,
- and implementation of SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) platform.
He is proficient in exploiting and operating GIS software (geographical interpretation, relational database management, coordinate systems), and complementary tools (web mapping, interpretation of aerial images and satellite photography), which is utilized to conduct spatial data analysis and statistical analysis, collect accurate data, and administer operating systems and networks in Open source environment.
He has developed his expertise in environment particularly in the field of impact assessments, pollution survey, biological indicators, human health with integration of environmental skills and GIS competences in the Indian Ocean Islands and France.
He has also demonstrated another expertise in development of study reports, knowledge of procurement, project methodology, project management and preparation of specifications documents, communicate on different projects since 2006 for the projects funded by:
- Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Indian Ocean Commission - European Union (IOC-EU), UNDP;
- Governmental and Intergovernmental institutions : Ministry of Fishery and Agriculture, Ministry of Conservation and Country Planning, Municipality of Bordeaux, National Computer Board;
- Private companies such as Covage networks, Colas, Bouygues Construction, Egis, Omnicane, Vergers de Labourdonnais, Compagnie des Alpes, Jua Group, OTA bio, GreenTopo, KPWP, Naturaglisse, Rivière environnement;
- Environmental associations such as AIRAQ, Reef conservations, Mauritius Wildlife, SEPANSO, French national natural reserve (Cousseau); University of Bordeaux, University of Poitiers;
- French Research Institutes such as INRAE, IRD, IFREMER.