Personal information
I have worked in private business for several years in the Tourism industry. Over this time have developed networks in both business and Tourism industry.
Recently I was appointed as Chair to the Regional Tourism Organisation responsible for the strategic direction of the visitor economy for the North west, West Coast and King Island.
I have simultaneously completed a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology with Honours. My honours thesis was focused on the impact of urban spaces on mood states and whether this varied as a function of place attachment.
I have also been involved in various placemaking initiatives as part of my role with the Business Northwest Executive, including installing the Renew Burnie program into Burnie to support local creative enterprises through the utilization of vacant shop fronts as a low-cost base to engage in business from.
These programs combined with my tourism background led to being the recipient of a grant for the development of a tourism initiative focused on Table Cape. The foundation of this was the development of a range of tourism projects taking visitors through various sensory experiences of Table Cape. Called "Sensing Table Cape", this led to our project with UTAS to develop a sensory VR experience utilizing education VR technology from the UTAS students to create a VR interactive environment based on Table Cape.