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Works (3)

Rolling in Fun, Paying the Price: A Thematic Analysis on Purchase and Play in Tabletop Games

Games: Research and Practice
2025-03-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Joseph Tu; Derrick Wang; Lydia Choong; Aj Abistado; Ally Suarez; Stuart Hallifax; Katja Rogers; Lennart Nacke
Source: check_circle

Deceived by Immersion: A Systematic Analysis of Deceptive Design in Extended Reality

ACM Computing Surveys
2024-10-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Hilda Hadan; Lydia Choong; Leah Zhang-Kennedy; Lennart E. Nacke
Source: check_circle

The Jade Gateway to Exergaming: How Socio-Cultural Factors Shape Exergaming Among East Asian Older Adults

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
2024-10-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Reza Hadi Mogavi; Juhyung Son; Simin Yang; Derrick M. Wang; Lydia Choong; Ahmad Alhilal; Peng Yuan Zhou; Pan Hui; Lennart E. Nacke
Source: check_circle